My dear Elsa. I'd like to draw your attention to some of the details you mentioned. You said Hamas killed some 2500 jews on Oct. 7th. Never saw that figure anywhere. The number first published reached 1400 in all coprporative media and that was before any investigation whatsoever. Some time afterwards, they shrinked the number to 1200. That's when the zionist paper Haaretz published the list of the dead by age and profession. It tottalied 650. From these, a half were soldiers, thus we might suppose they were killed in combat. Then we come to 325 civilians. But now it's impossible to know who killed who cause the zionist army launched heavy bombardments all over the places where there were notice about groups of attackers with hostages. They killed everybody, jews, arabs, indians, etc. So I think you should be more careful about the numbers you speak. Then the 40.000 deads in Gaza. All reliable sources speak of much higher numbers, because under all that rubble there must me some 250.000. You said half were fighters. Even the most onesided sources admit that Hamas at the beginning might have 10.000 fighters, so far from half the number you said and we must think that a substantial part is still living. Once again a lot of care should be taken when throwing numbers as you did.
The number I did from memory so the 2500 may very well be far from the actual number. But the 40,000 I read over and over, along with graphs breaking down for ager and sex - with that huge blip in the middle for young males.
As for the numbers you mention, I will pass that over to any detail people who care to respond.
Only 10,000 out of 2 million people for Hamas?
Most, it is a rabbit hole I am not into exploring at the moment - important, though, that it is explored.
Well said. I too challenged Elsa on the numbers she claims which are nowhere substantiated by her. In this article there are estimates that reach as much as 368,000 persons killed in Gaza.
1st Elsa, SO greatly appreciate yer Big Pitch'er take on ALL these issues!
2. ye made the most adorable typo -- mistakin'ly sayin' Lloyd George (major white guy, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1916 to 1922!) vs George Floyd (5 time loser, drug addict, counterfeiter, porn star & felon!)--an' who knows that DAVID Lloyd George (aka Lloyd George) didn't have a few skellytons in hiz on closet (lol)--the more we know 'bout those in charge in the UK, egads... Yup the Travon Martin "con" was HUGE but did'ja see Eli Steele's moovie: What Killed Michael Brown? OH yup, an'nuther one (lies lies damn lies)
3. yer so right re Gaza, only one side is bein' shown... an' yup, all eyes are on Gaza an' not Sudan? WHY? Also nobuddy questions the images they see--the story they're told--they are all directed like cattle down the chute! They are shown ANY dead body of a child an' say that Israelis shot that poor child in the head many times (ovuh an' ovuh) Seems folks really think they would waste ammo that way an' delight in such' of course the "freedom fighters" on the other side are gentle peace lovers? Egads. Most folks are unaware that --Pallywood has presented not just made-up (as in makeup dept/staged) scenes of murdered kids but also has presented Syrian kids as Gazans, reused imagery (just like in Ukraine when they framed the Russians fer stuff)--the list goes on. The war IS ugly. (Very) Folks don't beleive that MOST joos are wringin' their hands an' are NOT happy about dead Gazans OR the risk to young people in Israel in the IDF. We do NOT want this war either--yet many (most?) want Israel to survive...somehow. The call fer Israel ta be wiped out is loud... right here on substack, I KNOW you see it Elsa. All one sided.... fwiw MOST Israelis an' we joos in the diaspora are not able ta know WHAT DUZ ONE DO when attacked by folks that DO wanna murder 'em--an' those shoutin' fer parity (that Israel should only have been "allowed" ta take the lives of 1200 Gazans no more is absurd). An' yet there are viddeos circulatin' that this one lady who said "no it's not about parity--it's not the same" is labeled as somethin' I'm too polite ta say.
War is ugly, awful, an' MOST IDF are not dancin' in the undies of those whose apartments they evacuated (tho' some idiots did do that, an' posted about it--callous an' dumb but those few are used ta represent the many--just as most women in the US are NOT a bumpin' 'n grindin' Miley Cyrus even though--yup... she's a woman, America, an' she too lets such incriminatin' footage out on the innertubes as if it wuz sumthin' ta brag 'bout), MOST IDF soldiers are not sodomizin' prisoners with brooms (a few -- five in one prison -- did, they are in MAJOR hot warter there). I'll compare it with what just happened here in NY State where a bunch a prison guards MURDERED one black prisoner--this is NOT who most prison guards are (afaik)... this is NOT representative of most prisons (I hope ta god not at least). So the worst case becomes the "rep" for all cases--no big picture. The media portrays all joos as sadistic folks who value no human life other than their own. That's SO untrue but most who say such stuff WANT to hurt the jewish people -- it's a cathartic thing ta let out yer hate at one group so yer kindness kin flow in all other directions--these folks ain't gonna change their tune. BBGun as I call 'im is no angel an' yer right--the clot shots an' sellin' of data to the highest bidder means that he's gotta lotta jewish blood on his own hands--he sold out his own an' yet I don't want him ta lose Israel (unpopular opinion!). BB is like so MANY leaders who screwed their own fer reasons of which we kin only speculate--includin' American "precedents." Abe Lincoln didn't have ta push fer war an' some say it wasn't needed--way more lives lost under Lincoln than BBGun's "taken." Also, just as there are some bad apples amongst soldiers, here we've had American soldiers involved in untold horrors (arguably war crimes) at Abu Ghraib -- not ta mention many in other US Military interrogation programs...far darker still! Fergetiin' the issues (I got many) with this "peace deal" which has Israel releasin' thousands of Hamas terrorists from its prisons (kinda like what Biden duz at our border here!)... I do not believe fer an instant that most people -- even from WITHIN Israel--kin see the Big Picture an' know WHAT TO DO. They just traded the release of many many terrorists fer (sadly) body bags--they're gonna git corpses back. I know my views ain't popular... but like you, I too try ta see the "bigger pitch'r" which reminds me...
4. Thanks fer highlightin' Celeste's really important work an' sharin' my link--a recent small but not minor addition to the postin' is I JUST found out that OhBiden signed a BILL to re-forest Lahina! OMH no homes, no private property--the new designation'll be FOREST so the ReWildin' has already BEGUN in HAWAII... (I fear in LA too... I just learned the Arnold Schoenberg archives of music thar are now all burned up...the letters, music, so much)
We are all not just at WAR (even on US soil!) but in a mind war--fer our views, much! Thanks fer enlightenin' minds Elsa... important work indeedy!
We are very like-minded: see the facts, see people who have done huge wrongs and don’t denigrate a whole people citing the crimes of a few - that is done by people looking for reasons to denigrate, hate, destroy. Instead, seek out and bring to justice the evil-doers whoever they are, whatever group they are in.
Totally agree with Scott. No one can repeat what a news source reports regarding any of the 'wars' that have been perpetratored on the human race. We all need to think for ourselves, with me personally not believing anything more especially regarding the victim hood of the Jewish race. My parents experienced the occupat of the Germans in Holland, and yes mum said they were the worst years of her life, but she never spoke of death camps or such, so I decided to read Mein Kampf and that gave me a clearer picture of Adolf Hitler, and I am learning more about the American corrupt Government
I just read the Murder of Dr Mary Sherman and what the government was involved in the polio Vaccine and the contamination which they have kept injection into the people of the world
There area lot of people involved in this who worked on these poisons etc who have been involved in the killing of many people around the world including the unborn
Totally agree with Scott. No one can repeat what a news source reports regarding any of the 'wars' that have been perpetratored on the human race. We all need to think for ourselves, with me personally not believing anything more especially regarding the victim hood of the Jewish race. My parents experienced the occupat of the Germans in Holland, and yes mum said they were the worst years of her life, but she never spoke of death camps or such, so I decided to read Mein Kampf and that gave me a clearer picture of Adolf Hitler, and I am learning more about the American corrupt Government
I just read the Murder of Dr Mary Sherman and what the government was involved in the polio Vaccine and the contamination which they have kept injection into the people of the world
There area lot of people involved in this who worked on these poisons etc who have been involved in the killing of many people around the world including the unborn
So important not only to think for oneself, but - like you - to keep researching. Re concentration camps, these were largely (if memory serves me right) in Poland, so not in Holland at all (so your mother would not have known of any) and also not in Germany (so not within what Germans could know about - and Hitler did not publicize any death camps).
Wow, what kinda fentanyl have you been smoking re Gaza, Elsa. Our hero Reiner is right on the genocide aspect of Gaza, which you clearly support via your rhetoric. Where do you come up with a number as ludicrous as 2500 persons killed by Hamas on October 7? No reference/ all. Not even MSM uses those stupid numbers.
According to this article and study (attached) figures of the dead in Gaza maybe as high as 368,000 dead, and many many more maimed for life.
Further you claim Gaza schools teach jew hatred. References/source? Unlikely, I think when and a designated 'occupier' force murders mostly women and children, hatred is the end and natural result. Imagine if you will wherever you lived, was daily bombed by the USA/Israel or whomever, would you not naturally feel hatred Elsa, as your friends and family that are non combatants are murdered?? Have you no empathy?
You also erroneously claim only half killed in Gaza were women and children and the rest were military aged men. Again the source ?? Where do you get these insanely inaccurate numbers?
Maybe just maybe Chief Murderer Bibi Netanyahu and cabinet are responsible for all these innocent deaths....
It is impossible to rely on report that originated from CNN. Look at the bottom of the article from "Via CNN"
The figures that are reported originate from Hamas controlled GAZA Health Ministry Those figures have been analysed by a mathematician and a statistician.
The Washington Institute produced a comprehensive overview of how the Hamas statistics systematically overestimated the number of children killed, while grossly underestimating the number of male combatants killed. Now the statistician Abraham Wyner (who interestingly was a key expert witness for Rand Simberg explaining the ‘hockey stick’ fraud in the recent case brought against Simberg and Mark Steyn by Michael Mann) has gone further.
Wyner’s statistical analysis demonstrates how the claimed daily fatality numbers provided by Hamas between October 26 and November 10 were clearly faked. Wyner shows that, in addition to blatant contradictions in the numbers, there were a number of statistically implausible relationships.
It need to be noted that the Hamas figure provide no detail whatsoever, so their combatant fatalities are hidden as well as a myriad of death by other causes.
Jimi, my main inspiration since l was a teenager, was much more than the greatest musical phenomenon to ever walk the Earth. He was a deep thinker and a beautiful humble human being. His closing words for all his gigs were "Peace, Love and Happiness to You."
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
When it comes to telling and retelling the tales of Travon Martin and George Floyd to create Black Lives Matter (I simply call it "Black Lies Madder") there is no big picture. These people have been canonised by the media lying about the whole situation of their killings. BTM has them selected as martyrs, rather victims of an ongoing racist system (one they embrace wholeheartedly), these renegade organsations are being used to tear the US apart.
In Gaza, there is no question that Netanyahu has been using genocide in killing 40,000 people that are primarily women and children, still the world doesn't seem to care enough to join together and stop the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Once again, the media sees no big picture and join in with the US calling Israel a 'victimised' state in the Middle East. No ceasefire will be called due to lies being spouted about this war based on genocide of a people.
I see there is a big picture. We come again to the Powers That Be whose goal is to destroy our society and in fact get rid of humans. I see that Black Lies Madder is one small part of the strategies used to get to that end.
Pull back further and look into history … not the altered version we were given through an education system controlled by a hidden group … but rather at the hidden version some astute humanitarians are now sharing … a clear theme is discoverable with enough reading … we have all been enslaved and deceived for a very long time.
Things are, indeed, confusing. Only time will reveal the big picture, and only a very few will be capable of perceiving it. To reveal it will be at great risk.
Did you discover that Israel's death rates from the clot shots are the lowest for some reason?
I did not discover that the rates were lower or higher than in other countries.
The Big picture !
[ BREAKING ] Max Blumenthal : MAX CONFRONTS BLINKEN! (Gaza) on Judge Napolitano show.
I challenge you to actually watch this Elsa !
My dear Elsa. I'd like to draw your attention to some of the details you mentioned. You said Hamas killed some 2500 jews on Oct. 7th. Never saw that figure anywhere. The number first published reached 1400 in all coprporative media and that was before any investigation whatsoever. Some time afterwards, they shrinked the number to 1200. That's when the zionist paper Haaretz published the list of the dead by age and profession. It tottalied 650. From these, a half were soldiers, thus we might suppose they were killed in combat. Then we come to 325 civilians. But now it's impossible to know who killed who cause the zionist army launched heavy bombardments all over the places where there were notice about groups of attackers with hostages. They killed everybody, jews, arabs, indians, etc. So I think you should be more careful about the numbers you speak. Then the 40.000 deads in Gaza. All reliable sources speak of much higher numbers, because under all that rubble there must me some 250.000. You said half were fighters. Even the most onesided sources admit that Hamas at the beginning might have 10.000 fighters, so far from half the number you said and we must think that a substantial part is still living. Once again a lot of care should be taken when throwing numbers as you did.
The number I did from memory so the 2500 may very well be far from the actual number. But the 40,000 I read over and over, along with graphs breaking down for ager and sex - with that huge blip in the middle for young males.
As for the numbers you mention, I will pass that over to any detail people who care to respond.
Only 10,000 out of 2 million people for Hamas?
Most, it is a rabbit hole I am not into exploring at the moment - important, though, that it is explored.
Well said. I too challenged Elsa on the numbers she claims which are nowhere substantiated by her. In this article there are estimates that reach as much as 368,000 persons killed in Gaza.
from Yahoo News, posted at
1st Elsa, SO greatly appreciate yer Big Pitch'er take on ALL these issues!
2. ye made the most adorable typo -- mistakin'ly sayin' Lloyd George (major white guy, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1916 to 1922!) vs George Floyd (5 time loser, drug addict, counterfeiter, porn star & felon!)--an' who knows that DAVID Lloyd George (aka Lloyd George) didn't have a few skellytons in hiz on closet (lol)--the more we know 'bout those in charge in the UK, egads... Yup the Travon Martin "con" was HUGE but did'ja see Eli Steele's moovie: What Killed Michael Brown? OH yup, an'nuther one (lies lies damn lies)
3. yer so right re Gaza, only one side is bein' shown... an' yup, all eyes are on Gaza an' not Sudan? WHY? Also nobuddy questions the images they see--the story they're told--they are all directed like cattle down the chute! They are shown ANY dead body of a child an' say that Israelis shot that poor child in the head many times (ovuh an' ovuh) Seems folks really think they would waste ammo that way an' delight in such' of course the "freedom fighters" on the other side are gentle peace lovers? Egads. Most folks are unaware that --Pallywood has presented not just made-up (as in makeup dept/staged) scenes of murdered kids but also has presented Syrian kids as Gazans, reused imagery (just like in Ukraine when they framed the Russians fer stuff)--the list goes on. The war IS ugly. (Very) Folks don't beleive that MOST joos are wringin' their hands an' are NOT happy about dead Gazans OR the risk to young people in Israel in the IDF. We do NOT want this war either--yet many (most?) want Israel to survive...somehow. The call fer Israel ta be wiped out is loud... right here on substack, I KNOW you see it Elsa. All one sided.... fwiw MOST Israelis an' we joos in the diaspora are not able ta know WHAT DUZ ONE DO when attacked by folks that DO wanna murder 'em--an' those shoutin' fer parity (that Israel should only have been "allowed" ta take the lives of 1200 Gazans no more is absurd). An' yet there are viddeos circulatin' that this one lady who said "no it's not about parity--it's not the same" is labeled as somethin' I'm too polite ta say.
War is ugly, awful, an' MOST IDF are not dancin' in the undies of those whose apartments they evacuated (tho' some idiots did do that, an' posted about it--callous an' dumb but those few are used ta represent the many--just as most women in the US are NOT a bumpin' 'n grindin' Miley Cyrus even though--yup... she's a woman, America, an' she too lets such incriminatin' footage out on the innertubes as if it wuz sumthin' ta brag 'bout), MOST IDF soldiers are not sodomizin' prisoners with brooms (a few -- five in one prison -- did, they are in MAJOR hot warter there). I'll compare it with what just happened here in NY State where a bunch a prison guards MURDERED one black prisoner--this is NOT who most prison guards are (afaik)... this is NOT representative of most prisons (I hope ta god not at least). So the worst case becomes the "rep" for all cases--no big picture. The media portrays all joos as sadistic folks who value no human life other than their own. That's SO untrue but most who say such stuff WANT to hurt the jewish people -- it's a cathartic thing ta let out yer hate at one group so yer kindness kin flow in all other directions--these folks ain't gonna change their tune. BBGun as I call 'im is no angel an' yer right--the clot shots an' sellin' of data to the highest bidder means that he's gotta lotta jewish blood on his own hands--he sold out his own an' yet I don't want him ta lose Israel (unpopular opinion!). BB is like so MANY leaders who screwed their own fer reasons of which we kin only speculate--includin' American "precedents." Abe Lincoln didn't have ta push fer war an' some say it wasn't needed--way more lives lost under Lincoln than BBGun's "taken." Also, just as there are some bad apples amongst soldiers, here we've had American soldiers involved in untold horrors (arguably war crimes) at Abu Ghraib -- not ta mention many in other US Military interrogation programs...far darker still! Fergetiin' the issues (I got many) with this "peace deal" which has Israel releasin' thousands of Hamas terrorists from its prisons (kinda like what Biden duz at our border here!)... I do not believe fer an instant that most people -- even from WITHIN Israel--kin see the Big Picture an' know WHAT TO DO. They just traded the release of many many terrorists fer (sadly) body bags--they're gonna git corpses back. I know my views ain't popular... but like you, I too try ta see the "bigger pitch'r" which reminds me...
4. Thanks fer highlightin' Celeste's really important work an' sharin' my link--a recent small but not minor addition to the postin' is I JUST found out that OhBiden signed a BILL to re-forest Lahina! OMH no homes, no private property--the new designation'll be FOREST so the ReWildin' has already BEGUN in HAWAII... (I fear in LA too... I just learned the Arnold Schoenberg archives of music thar are now all burned up...the letters, music, so much)
We are all not just at WAR (even on US soil!) but in a mind war--fer our views, much! Thanks fer enlightenin' minds Elsa... important work indeedy!
It’s always a pleasure hearing from you.
We are very like-minded: see the facts, see people who have done huge wrongs and don’t denigrate a whole people citing the crimes of a few - that is done by people looking for reasons to denigrate, hate, destroy. Instead, seek out and bring to justice the evil-doers whoever they are, whatever group they are in.
you said it Elsa an' likewise! (seems like the "whirled" is spinnin' at double time now while we need half-time/slow speed ta re-learn history!)
Totally agree with Scott. No one can repeat what a news source reports regarding any of the 'wars' that have been perpetratored on the human race. We all need to think for ourselves, with me personally not believing anything more especially regarding the victim hood of the Jewish race. My parents experienced the occupat of the Germans in Holland, and yes mum said they were the worst years of her life, but she never spoke of death camps or such, so I decided to read Mein Kampf and that gave me a clearer picture of Adolf Hitler, and I am learning more about the American corrupt Government
I just read the Murder of Dr Mary Sherman and what the government was involved in the polio Vaccine and the contamination which they have kept injection into the people of the world
There area lot of people involved in this who worked on these poisons etc who have been involved in the killing of many people around the world including the unborn
Totally agree with Scott. No one can repeat what a news source reports regarding any of the 'wars' that have been perpetratored on the human race. We all need to think for ourselves, with me personally not believing anything more especially regarding the victim hood of the Jewish race. My parents experienced the occupat of the Germans in Holland, and yes mum said they were the worst years of her life, but she never spoke of death camps or such, so I decided to read Mein Kampf and that gave me a clearer picture of Adolf Hitler, and I am learning more about the American corrupt Government
I just read the Murder of Dr Mary Sherman and what the government was involved in the polio Vaccine and the contamination which they have kept injection into the people of the world
There area lot of people involved in this who worked on these poisons etc who have been involved in the killing of many people around the world including the unborn
So important not only to think for oneself, but - like you - to keep researching. Re concentration camps, these were largely (if memory serves me right) in Poland, so not in Holland at all (so your mother would not have known of any) and also not in Germany (so not within what Germans could know about - and Hitler did not publicize any death camps).
Wow, what kinda fentanyl have you been smoking re Gaza, Elsa. Our hero Reiner is right on the genocide aspect of Gaza, which you clearly support via your rhetoric. Where do you come up with a number as ludicrous as 2500 persons killed by Hamas on October 7? No reference/ all. Not even MSM uses those stupid numbers.
According to this article and study (attached) figures of the dead in Gaza maybe as high as 368,000 dead, and many many more maimed for life.
Further you claim Gaza schools teach jew hatred. References/source? Unlikely, I think when and a designated 'occupier' force murders mostly women and children, hatred is the end and natural result. Imagine if you will wherever you lived, was daily bombed by the USA/Israel or whomever, would you not naturally feel hatred Elsa, as your friends and family that are non combatants are murdered?? Have you no empathy?
You also erroneously claim only half killed in Gaza were women and children and the rest were military aged men. Again the source ?? Where do you get these insanely inaccurate numbers?
Maybe just maybe Chief Murderer Bibi Netanyahu and cabinet are responsible for all these innocent deaths....
Start here....from Yahoo News, posted at
It is impossible to rely on report that originated from CNN. Look at the bottom of the article from "Via CNN"
The figures that are reported originate from Hamas controlled GAZA Health Ministry Those figures have been analysed by a mathematician and a statistician.
The Washington Institute produced a comprehensive overview of how the Hamas statistics systematically overestimated the number of children killed, while grossly underestimating the number of male combatants killed. Now the statistician Abraham Wyner (who interestingly was a key expert witness for Rand Simberg explaining the ‘hockey stick’ fraud in the recent case brought against Simberg and Mark Steyn by Michael Mann) has gone further.
Wyner’s statistical analysis demonstrates how the claimed daily fatality numbers provided by Hamas between October 26 and November 10 were clearly faked. Wyner shows that, in addition to blatant contradictions in the numbers, there were a number of statistically implausible relationships.
It need to be noted that the Hamas figure provide no detail whatsoever, so their combatant fatalities are hidden as well as a myriad of death by other causes.
Source Conservative women - Norman Fenton is a British mathematician and computer scientist. link -
From little things, big things grow.
Are the big things good or bad?
Is the universe more infinite through the microscope or telescope?
It matters not.
What matters is how we interpret what we see, are told and feel.
Racism and genocide have been in existence since our ancestors left the trees and started walking on two legs.
Everyone is both right and wrong in their own mind.
Only when everyone has love in their heart can evil be conquered.
As Jimi Hendrix said, " When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
THAT is one fab quote from Jimi!
Jimi, my main inspiration since l was a teenager, was much more than the greatest musical phenomenon to ever walk the Earth. He was a deep thinker and a beautiful humble human being. His closing words for all his gigs were "Peace, Love and Happiness to You."
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
Really. How is that working for you so far ??
In other words, never lose sight of that very big picture, see how things fit with that.
When it comes to telling and retelling the tales of Travon Martin and George Floyd to create Black Lives Matter (I simply call it "Black Lies Madder") there is no big picture. These people have been canonised by the media lying about the whole situation of their killings. BTM has them selected as martyrs, rather victims of an ongoing racist system (one they embrace wholeheartedly), these renegade organsations are being used to tear the US apart.
In Gaza, there is no question that Netanyahu has been using genocide in killing 40,000 people that are primarily women and children, still the world doesn't seem to care enough to join together and stop the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Once again, the media sees no big picture and join in with the US calling Israel a 'victimised' state in the Middle East. No ceasefire will be called due to lies being spouted about this war based on genocide of a people.
I see there is a big picture. We come again to the Powers That Be whose goal is to destroy our society and in fact get rid of humans. I see that Black Lies Madder is one small part of the strategies used to get to that end.
Spot on re Gaza !!
Pull back further and look into history … not the altered version we were given through an education system controlled by a hidden group … but rather at the hidden version some astute humanitarians are now sharing … a clear theme is discoverable with enough reading … we have all been enslaved and deceived for a very long time.
Things are, indeed, confusing. Only time will reveal the big picture, and only a very few will be capable of perceiving it. To reveal it will be at great risk.