I have been reading about this kind of thing for years: Christians murdered for being Christian in a variety of countries, by adherents of the Islamic religion.
France gathered 400 Muslim scholars and beheaded them with a machete; During the occupation of Chad in 1917. I have a photo of their skulls kept in a really lovely long and high cabinet. They were kept as trophies.
Killing of any kind is abhorrent. Innocent people being murdered for their religious beliefs whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim or otherwise is outrageous and morally wrong You won't hear anything, because that is all part of the UN Agenda. The only way people will learn of things like this is through alternate media sources (that are not controlled opposition) and through word of mouth, at the grassroots level.
God Bless all of them and we see or lets say we should know these are all being created by those wanting their NWO paying and arming Mercs to get Muslims and Christians to kill each other while they sit back and watch them swoop in and wipe out the rest but we should see this evil that has been causing all kinds wars and disasters weather warfare and DEW weapon disasters and all people even the true People of the Bible UNITE and put the evil back into the darkness instead of playing into their games and Serge Monast Wrote and exposed this in his 4 Stages of Project Blue Beam by the UN and NASA and his children were taken and them he to had a mysterious Heart Attack and died suddenly and he wrote this in the mid 90's
Muslims are prisoners of a toxic political system masquerading as a religion that demands qualities of their followers that range of mysogeny to murdering those who refuse to convert to Islam. There are over 100 verses in the Qur'an demanding this behavior. For a religion claiming to be the "religion of peace", Islam has shown itself to be anything but. Muslims use the Crusades as a reason for what they say is the reason for the violence, while ignoring the over 200 years of Muslim invasions of Europe. It is time for everyone who cares about having a civil society to recognize the threat Islam poses to that goal. Muslims are great people until they decide to become "observant"
Muslims. How many times have we heard about Muslim neighbors who, without warning, became violent and couldn't understand why? Islam's dictates turn those Muslims who have not been violent, to those who considers themselves martyrs once they become "observant" followers of the Qur'an. Time to wake up. It's been that way since Islam's beginning.
Marianne Agnello you should really give credit where credit is due... Long before there was even a glimmer of CIA, the Muslims operated massive slave trades -- 2MILLION black slaves per year from Africa --for 14 CENTURIES...
furthermore they still operate SLAVE MARKETS in FOUR WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES... though now at least without the non-surgically nice chopping off of male-sex body parts like in the previous slave trade centuries ... Which was why there are no DESCENDANTS of those millions of slaves marched/shipped to Arabian markets and further east markets, able to want reparations....
Jihadists are sick people.
One suggestion for effectively removing the UK invaders --proposed by Imam Tawhidi, the muslim reformist friend of Tommy Robinson -- was to ban the excessive cruelty to animals form of Muslim SLAUGHTER for Muslim traditional meats.....Someone should investigate the consequent biochemistry B/C The excessive terror would be producing excessive adrenaline in the animal which adrenaline when oxidized turns into ADRENOCHROME with its LSD-like potential in their brains....
You joke... how exactly do we ''inflate'' FOURTEEN CENTURIES... And yeah the number of slaves that didn't make it across the desert march make counting the SLAVES TAKEN differ from the count of SLAVES SOLD, considering the males marched with certain body part savagely removed... so you can attempt to hide your accommodaters' crimes by switching to 'sold'........
THAT was not *simply* ACCOMMODATING the TRIBAL WARS ... THAT ''simple'' accommodation idea is a joke too, b/c it's more credible that beheadings and a HISTORY of ''accommodating'' the blacks LONG TERM was SPECIFICALLY responsible for the WAR PSYCHOSIS of the tribes.......
CLEARLY the ONGOING BRUTALITY to this very day of your favored ''accommodaters'' totally shows that beheading was precisely characteristic of the SLAVERS methodologies..
So Damned Many truths and worthy personal tales have been scuttled by what most are blinded to in this Very Day! Many here are focused marvelously upon a Topic and render invaluable service to Many. . but how many have traypst through life catch as catch can without tipping the nether side best as can and Studied Learned without a brace or a crutch and gathered as best as can best be known? Far be it) from me to sink anyone’s showboat/ship but I will say what cranks a thought for truth till they stuff it full of flannel and spit it Right back
I suggest you read the quran. I also suggest you check out the history of Islam - like the violent conquest of much of northern Africa about 1300 years ago (no CIA), the conquest of northern India about the same time (no CIA), the invasion and conquest of Spain (no CIA). Here is a brilliant video documents over 2000 battles by Islamic forces - all before the CIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y
read that (Koran) as a boy ten times and then back however accomplished that then to save my fellow Cath. friend from going to [7734] for committing a mortal sin! That was me Then
“W w versions is what You get out of that ? No space or time to give you what you need here! Hutsi et Tutsi a relatively recent example to tribal domination if not and IT was engineered !
How do you know that this event really took place? Very much reported terror is faked in the sense that it is either:
- an event where there were victims as described but the perpetrators were not as described
- a phantom event in which there were no victims - crisis actors or other subterfuge being used to create the illusion of terror
An example of the first type of event would be 9/11 or 7/7 ( the London tube bombings)
A claimed example of a (faked) beheading event would be the 2013 murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich, London.
This is not to say the event you are writing about is necessarily faked but simply to ask if you have considered this.
Much of the public’s perceptions of what is going on in the world are being manipulated by false flag propaganda.
So it is as well to consider how good the evidence is to substantiate the event here. Mainstream media reports are particularly susceptible to being influenced by political agendas.
Please let me know the research you have done. You don't even show awareness of the full content of the article. You do not give even the slightest sign of having any research.You ask: How do you know that this event really took place? It starts by doing research.
I am in the process of looking into various ‘false flag’ terror operations after learning that they occur much more frequently than most people realise.
Additionally, I see that Pamela Geller’s articles / reports are published by many mainstream new outlets including an Israeli one. During the Hamas incursion into Israel I am aware that much of the video footage broadcast on mainstream media outlets purporting to show young concertgoers fleeing from the scene past bombed out vehicles was all AI generated fakery - presumably from Israeli content creators.
Pamela Geller is an anti-Islam activist who subscribes to the obviously questionable mainstream narrative of 9-11.
Do you have any other sources to verify what happened in the beheading atrocity?
The first book of the Quran (well they say it was ) was written in Medina… it told the Muslim to go to the people of the book .. the Torah and the bible should they need any answers.. it was full of nice things kindness love.. but the second book comes along written in Mecca is more violent it tells the Muslim to kill Jews and Christian’s.. and state a hypocritical point the first book was reinterpreted and altered but the second book they made a rule that said this was the final word if God and could not be altered .. historian are now saying this second book was actually written 400 years after Mohammad died.. by historians who destroyed 98 % of the stories passed down from Mohammad’s offspring.. the difference with the bible was it was written within 30 years of Christs death.. by the people who sat and ate with Christ..and did not pass down like Chinese whisper’s.. that’s a huge difference… and they know it!
Who first Exploited them ? We have them Now ! and it is true they be of a Proselyte faith like The Christians before them and the (christian zionists) of ToDay !
Yes agreed.. they have taken over Dearborn Michigan , the white American us not welcome..,they have no intention of integrating .. it is a takeover street by street.. and it’s already too late ..they are organised and in key positions within the government .. it’s all about them .. and never about humanity.
Henry Ford was an interesting man , he is hardly mentioned today, every car he sold in his day had 4booklets in the glove compartment telling the Reader ‘who controls the many aspects of (America)’ it was Not lost on the People of the Qurran.. Dearborn Mich. was H.Fords stomping grounds, Can you blame the Them’ (?)
I am sincerely grateful for you keeping us up on all that is taking place with Reiner but again
you magically dismiss the millions the USA killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya all on fake claims and with clear intention to take their resources. And that is ONLY the latest. Blithely dismissing massive government killings does not bring peace and understanding.
Elsa is calling attention to the Christians that have been kidnapped, raped and murdered by Boko Haram and other Islamic terrorists. Calling attention to this is not blithely dismissing USA government killings. These heinous crimes against Christians have received so little coverage which is sad.
In fact! The friendship of those persons who Present with intelligence and Good intention of character hailing from such zones and countries/nations , you might Learn many unabashed (truths)•
Consider that be the drc’ !!
France gathered 400 Muslim scholars and beheaded them with a machete; During the occupation of Chad in 1917. I have a photo of their skulls kept in a really lovely long and high cabinet. They were kept as trophies.
Another horror. I believe the point is about it's not all one side or another. That was my point exactly.
Killing of any kind is abhorrent. Innocent people being murdered for their religious beliefs whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim or otherwise is outrageous and morally wrong You won't hear anything, because that is all part of the UN Agenda. The only way people will learn of things like this is through alternate media sources (that are not controlled opposition) and through word of mouth, at the grassroots level.
I believe we agree that hearing about some things is mainstream-approved, not hearing about other things.
God Bless all of them and we see or lets say we should know these are all being created by those wanting their NWO paying and arming Mercs to get Muslims and Christians to kill each other while they sit back and watch them swoop in and wipe out the rest but we should see this evil that has been causing all kinds wars and disasters weather warfare and DEW weapon disasters and all people even the true People of the Bible UNITE and put the evil back into the darkness instead of playing into their games and Serge Monast Wrote and exposed this in his 4 Stages of Project Blue Beam by the UN and NASA and his children were taken and them he to had a mysterious Heart Attack and died suddenly and he wrote this in the mid 90's
Make yourselves Aware of this good man Serge Monast !!
Muslims are prisoners of a toxic political system masquerading as a religion that demands qualities of their followers that range of mysogeny to murdering those who refuse to convert to Islam. There are over 100 verses in the Qur'an demanding this behavior. For a religion claiming to be the "religion of peace", Islam has shown itself to be anything but. Muslims use the Crusades as a reason for what they say is the reason for the violence, while ignoring the over 200 years of Muslim invasions of Europe. It is time for everyone who cares about having a civil society to recognize the threat Islam poses to that goal. Muslims are great people until they decide to become "observant"
Muslims. How many times have we heard about Muslim neighbors who, without warning, became violent and couldn't understand why? Islam's dictates turn those Muslims who have not been violent, to those who considers themselves martyrs once they become "observant" followers of the Qur'an. Time to wake up. It's been that way since Islam's beginning.
That is a bit (stilted)! I would not Play in That [playground]
Thank you for pointing out the lopsided aspect of this.
According to the beheaders, what could the Christians possibly have done?
Only one thing: convert to Islam, the religion of the beheaders.
[notice] ! The’ helpers in the ME and environs as the Conduct Continues ! . .
That was the truth in a time long ago and carried to This Day (with help) ! Consider the Sudan and its helpers
All that is terrorism is CIA initiated and paid for and controlled, just like black lives matter and all the wars, 9/11 paid for by drug money
Check out The Colonel's Corner on Rumble
You do give that 3letter all the credit? Like a parasitic bush they feed through great unseen rhizomes beneath our very shoes
Marianne Agnello you should really give credit where credit is due... Long before there was even a glimmer of CIA, the Muslims operated massive slave trades -- 2MILLION black slaves per year from Africa --for 14 CENTURIES...
furthermore they still operate SLAVE MARKETS in FOUR WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES... though now at least without the non-surgically nice chopping off of male-sex body parts like in the previous slave trade centuries ... Which was why there are no DESCENDANTS of those millions of slaves marched/shipped to Arabian markets and further east markets, able to want reparations....
Jihadists are sick people.
One suggestion for effectively removing the UK invaders --proposed by Imam Tawhidi, the muslim reformist friend of Tommy Robinson -- was to ban the excessive cruelty to animals form of Muslim SLAUGHTER for Muslim traditional meats.....Someone should investigate the consequent biochemistry B/C The excessive terror would be producing excessive adrenaline in the animal which adrenaline when oxidized turns into ADRENOCHROME with its LSD-like potential in their brains....
on top of their PTSD upbringing.....
The figures are inflated and the Arabs accommodated themselves to a Trade’ which has been parcel&part to the Afrikan culture even to this day
You joke... how exactly do we ''inflate'' FOURTEEN CENTURIES... And yeah the number of slaves that didn't make it across the desert march make counting the SLAVES TAKEN differ from the count of SLAVES SOLD, considering the males marched with certain body part savagely removed... so you can attempt to hide your accommodaters' crimes by switching to 'sold'........
THAT was not *simply* ACCOMMODATING the TRIBAL WARS ... THAT ''simple'' accommodation idea is a joke too, b/c it's more credible that beheadings and a HISTORY of ''accommodating'' the blacks LONG TERM was SPECIFICALLY responsible for the WAR PSYCHOSIS of the tribes.......
CLEARLY the ONGOING BRUTALITY to this very day of your favored ''accommodaters'' totally shows that beheading was precisely characteristic of the SLAVERS methodologies..
You might give the French(j s)a little credit with that one or even the Japanese angered by Doolittle and lopping his flyers hats off !
I am wondering: how you came to accept the things you believe?
So Damned Many truths and worthy personal tales have been scuttled by what most are blinded to in this Very Day! Many here are focused marvelously upon a Topic and render invaluable service to Many. . but how many have traypst through life catch as catch can without tipping the nether side best as can and Studied Learned without a brace or a crutch and gathered as best as can best be known? Far be it) from me to sink anyone’s showboat/ship but I will say what cranks a thought for truth till they stuff it full of flannel and spit it Right back
I suggest you read the quran. I also suggest you check out the history of Islam - like the violent conquest of much of northern Africa about 1300 years ago (no CIA), the conquest of northern India about the same time (no CIA), the invasion and conquest of Spain (no CIA). Here is a brilliant video documents over 2000 battles by Islamic forces - all before the CIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y
read that (Koran) as a boy ten times and then back however accomplished that then to save my fellow Cath. friend from going to [7734] for committing a mortal sin! That was me Then
Read the Qurran @14 and have many represented versions , perhaps you read more of the varied hadiths . .
Elsa's point Is golden... ACTIONS speak the truth loudly, not your weasel-word games about 'versions'..
“W w versions is what You get out of that ? No space or time to give you what you need here! Hutsi et Tutsi a relatively recent example to tribal domination if not and IT was engineered !
How do you know that this event really took place? Very much reported terror is faked in the sense that it is either:
- an event where there were victims as described but the perpetrators were not as described
- a phantom event in which there were no victims - crisis actors or other subterfuge being used to create the illusion of terror
An example of the first type of event would be 9/11 or 7/7 ( the London tube bombings)
A claimed example of a (faked) beheading event would be the 2013 murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich, London.
This is not to say the event you are writing about is necessarily faked but simply to ask if you have considered this.
Much of the public’s perceptions of what is going on in the world are being manipulated by false flag propaganda.
So it is as well to consider how good the evidence is to substantiate the event here. Mainstream media reports are particularly susceptible to being influenced by political agendas.
Please let me know the research you have done. You don't even show awareness of the full content of the article. You do not give even the slightest sign of having any research.You ask: How do you know that this event really took place? It starts by doing research.
Thanks for your reply,
I am in the process of looking into various ‘false flag’ terror operations after learning that they occur much more frequently than most people realise.
Additionally, I see that Pamela Geller’s articles / reports are published by many mainstream new outlets including an Israeli one. During the Hamas incursion into Israel I am aware that much of the video footage broadcast on mainstream media outlets purporting to show young concertgoers fleeing from the scene past bombed out vehicles was all AI generated fakery - presumably from Israeli content creators.
Pamela Geller is an anti-Islam activist who subscribes to the obviously questionable mainstream narrative of 9-11.
Do you have any other sources to verify what happened in the beheading atrocity?
Balance is always etiquette !
Yes, https://odysee.com/@shortXXvids:e/ssstwitter.com_1739618745556:f
The first book of the Quran (well they say it was ) was written in Medina… it told the Muslim to go to the people of the book .. the Torah and the bible should they need any answers.. it was full of nice things kindness love.. but the second book comes along written in Mecca is more violent it tells the Muslim to kill Jews and Christian’s.. and state a hypocritical point the first book was reinterpreted and altered but the second book they made a rule that said this was the final word if God and could not be altered .. historian are now saying this second book was actually written 400 years after Mohammad died.. by historians who destroyed 98 % of the stories passed down from Mohammad’s offspring.. the difference with the bible was it was written within 30 years of Christs death.. by the people who sat and ate with Christ..and did not pass down like Chinese whisper’s.. that’s a huge difference… and they know it!
Look into Petra and your research may carry you further Than Medina&Mecca . .
Islam itself is an invasive ideology; there is no such thing as "moderate Islam," only Muslims biding their time to dominate:
Who first Exploited them ? We have them Now ! and it is true they be of a Proselyte faith like The Christians before them and the (christian zionists) of ToDay !
Just to let you know - I have read all the comments. Important discussion.
Yes agreed.. they have taken over Dearborn Michigan , the white American us not welcome..,they have no intention of integrating .. it is a takeover street by street.. and it’s already too late ..they are organised and in key positions within the government .. it’s all about them .. and never about humanity.
Henry Ford was an interesting man , he is hardly mentioned today, every car he sold in his day had 4booklets in the glove compartment telling the Reader ‘who controls the many aspects of (America)’ it was Not lost on the People of the Qurran.. Dearborn Mich. was H.Fords stomping grounds, Can you blame the Them’ (?)
When Rousted in your Own Land you come to your conqueror ! Remember this Phrase ? “We have no King but king Ceazar “ !!!
I am sincerely grateful for you keeping us up on all that is taking place with Reiner but again
you magically dismiss the millions the USA killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya all on fake claims and with clear intention to take their resources. And that is ONLY the latest. Blithely dismissing massive government killings does not bring peace and understanding.
Agreed Elsa ! but please be careful the people of god those people themselves have had a long history . .
Elsa is calling attention to the Christians that have been kidnapped, raped and murdered by Boko Haram and other Islamic terrorists. Calling attention to this is not blithely dismissing USA government killings. These heinous crimes against Christians have received so little coverage which is sad.
Many most are the [internicine] struggles these muzzies have with their Own ! Stop interpreting from a [script] Y’all Can’t [Read?]
I am not dismissing. Where do you see me dismissing?
Why blame Elsa???
No One blames a Good heart! but Some may attempt to [confuse] if not Corrupt !
Consider the source!
We are All Considering ! with the meagre details and truths encrusted with verdigre of Ages !!!
Go find further sources. There are many sources. So instead of, it seems, using "consider the source" to dismiss the information, do research.
In fact! The friendship of those persons who Present with intelligence and Good intention of character hailing from such zones and countries/nations , you might Learn many unabashed (truths)•
Sick evil ba.terds
There are So Many ! Shine those bagstards on . . . .⚓️