I have been reading about this kind of thing for years: Christians murdered for being Christian in a variety of countries, by adherents of the Islamic religion. Never the other way around. The Sudan comes most to mind. Also Nigeria.
I have also noted that those who are utterly outraged at what has been happening to the Muslim inhabitants of Gaza almost never mention any of this violence by Muslims.
I see this as a dangerous omission.
I have made this point before. It is highly likely I will make it again.
Muslim Terrorists BEHEAD 70 Christians in Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo
70 Christians have been found beheaded in a church in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the hands of an Islamist terrorist group.…
No media. No protests. No worldwide outrage or condemnation. No UN emergency sessions.
Posted February 20, 2025
Islam itself is an invasive ideology; there is no such thing as "moderate Islam," only Muslims biding their time to dominate:
God Bless all of them and we see or lets say we should know these are all being created by those wanting their NWO paying and arming Mercs to get Muslims and Christians to kill each other while they sit back and watch them swoop in and wipe out the rest but we should see this evil that has been causing all kinds wars and disasters weather warfare and DEW weapon disasters and all people even the true People of the Bible UNITE and put the evil back into the darkness instead of playing into their games and Serge Monast Wrote and exposed this in his 4 Stages of Project Blue Beam by the UN and NASA and his children were taken and them he to had a mysterious Heart Attack and died suddenly and he wrote this in the mid 90's