May I offer one reason why Academics can’t think: the Schooling System teaches “memorization”of information, rather than questioning if the “information is True.” Students are not encouraged to challenge authority and to think as an individual vs. group-think.
I would suggest reading Author, Educator, & Critic of the American Schooling System: Neil Postman, PhD.
1. The End of Education: Redefining The Value Of School.
2. Teaching as a Subversive Activity, (with Charles Weingartner).
3.The Disappearance of Childhood.
4.Teaching as a Conserving Activity.
5. Amusing Ourselves To Death.
6. Conscientious Objections.
7. Technopoly.
From Lantern Cove, where the Ocean is always calm, cool, and Creative...
I understand and know all this. I taught critical thinking, among other things - using facts and logic to back one's position. I find thinking an amazing pleasure. So ... while man academics can't think, for the reasons you give and more, some of us do think, love to think.
Forgive me Elsa, I did not intend to insult your educational background. On the paternal side of my family, two Aunties taught students to be real teachers @ the University of Hawaii’s Department of Education.
I somehow got through without problems. The big problem: I was one prof doing what I could in my classes - while outside my classes so much brain-damaging stuff was being taught. It actually had a lot to do with my leaving teaching very early - I felt I had to work on a larger level.
Aloha GoAlive, excellent essay on Confirmation Bias. CB is very similar to Advertising & Marketing. Focus only on the positive points, and disregard the negative points. CB is very similar to what Lawyers do in court. Create a positive story (case), omit all negatives to “SELL” the story to the Jury. CB is very similar to what corporate News Media does, show only what their sponsors want to show.
I’m going to shift to worshipping people as Idols, Hollywood Celebrities, Rock Stars, Professional Athletes, Politicians, Religious Leaders, Academics, even Hoarders of Wealth,ie Billionares, Trillionares, Zillionares. In other words, “RICH” people. Would you agree, most people would kill to be a “RICH” man, or woman? Fame & Fortune….
GOOD QUESTIONS!! I included the link to timebuddy because now is the time of time changes - at different times in different parts of the world. So I went by what I saw, but this is changing day by day. In other words, go to timebuddy and see what is current right now.
Hi, I checked time again through the app you recommended nothing has changed. My question was only around your mention of 12 noon. From what I can understand, the meeting will be at my 12 noon and Sydney's 1:00pm
Ok, I will check in on the link at both 11am my time Sydney 11am AEST and 12 noon AEDT and again at 12 noon my time 12 noon Sydney AEST BUT 1pm AEDT - see you at your 9pm EST.
My appetite and sleep is next to none since his arrest/kidnapping….. I wonder lately about what might have transpired since they accused him of trying to “escape” etc. and how the authorities tend to engulf an individual with several of them capable of injuring someone in the process. My opinion is that Dr. Fuellmich was set up to be silenced, not too far fetched that this was the intent. We have lost such great heroes and path finders over the last few years, including Dr. Rashid Buttar in May of this year…. As Dr. Fuellmich alluded to in his last interview with Elsa for the 2nd Truth Summit, we can no longer afford to stand by…… We can and should not be negotiating with the level of Evil we are up against. The Evil entities Dr. Fuellmich and others have exposed must be dismantled somehow, or we all perish.
The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man. Marshall McLuhan, copyright 1951, Gingko Press.
Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me: Edmund “Snow” Carpenter. copyright 1972, 1973.
Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
Amusing Ourselves To Death: Public Discourse In The Age of Show Business: Neil Postman.
First edition 1985, 2005 20th Anniversary Edition. Penguin Books.
I will sign an international letter.
Aloha, “Das Heilige und das profane,” Elsa.
May I offer one reason why Academics can’t think: the Schooling System teaches “memorization”of information, rather than questioning if the “information is True.” Students are not encouraged to challenge authority and to think as an individual vs. group-think.
I would suggest reading Author, Educator, & Critic of the American Schooling System: Neil Postman, PhD.
1. The End of Education: Redefining The Value Of School.
2. Teaching as a Subversive Activity, (with Charles Weingartner).
3.The Disappearance of Childhood.
4.Teaching as a Conserving Activity.
5. Amusing Ourselves To Death.
6. Conscientious Objections.
7. Technopoly.
From Lantern Cove, where the Ocean is always calm, cool, and Creative...
I understand and know all this. I taught critical thinking, among other things - using facts and logic to back one's position. I find thinking an amazing pleasure. So ... while man academics can't think, for the reasons you give and more, some of us do think, love to think.
Forgive me Elsa, I did not intend to insult your educational background. On the paternal side of my family, two Aunties taught students to be real teachers @ the University of Hawaii’s Department of Education.
I somehow got through without problems. The big problem: I was one prof doing what I could in my classes - while outside my classes so much brain-damaging stuff was being taught. It actually had a lot to do with my leaving teaching very early - I felt I had to work on a larger level.
Aloha Sweet Marie-Claude Joly, I will remember “Sapere Aude.”
Immanuel Kant: “Notion without intuition is empty, intuition without notion is blind.”
The opposition will shame, smear, and discredit all threats to their position of Authority, Power, and control.
Check out Neil Postman’s book: Amusing Ourselves To Death, Penguin Books copyright 1985, 2005. I love Penguin Books!
From Lantern Cove, where the Ocean is always calm, cool, and Creative...
Aloha GoAlive, excellent essay on Confirmation Bias. CB is very similar to Advertising & Marketing. Focus only on the positive points, and disregard the negative points. CB is very similar to what Lawyers do in court. Create a positive story (case), omit all negatives to “SELL” the story to the Jury. CB is very similar to what corporate News Media does, show only what their sponsors want to show.
I’m going to shift to worshipping people as Idols, Hollywood Celebrities, Rock Stars, Professional Athletes, Politicians, Religious Leaders, Academics, even Hoarders of Wealth,ie Billionares, Trillionares, Zillionares. In other words, “RICH” people. Would you agree, most people would kill to be a “RICH” man, or woman? Fame & Fortune….
Thank you for your reply.
It’s difficult to sift through what people say & do.
“When a man lies, he murders some part of the World.” By Paul Gerhardt, German Hymn Writer.
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” By Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980).
Hi Elsa
I downloaded TimeBuddy
Note: EST has gone to daylight saving time EDT
However I used EST 9pm and I arrive at 12 noon standard time or 1pm daylight saving time.
I am wondering with you mentioning indicating Noon Sydney time (Sydney is on daylight saving time) for me is actually 11am Sunday.
So which time is correct for me to be guided by?
Sorry for the confusion.
GOOD QUESTIONS!! I included the link to timebuddy because now is the time of time changes - at different times in different parts of the world. So I went by what I saw, but this is changing day by day. In other words, go to timebuddy and see what is current right now.
Hi, I checked time again through the app you recommended nothing has changed. My question was only around your mention of 12 noon. From what I can understand, the meeting will be at my 12 noon and Sydney's 1:00pm
I just checked on worldtiebuddy. It cays my Sat 9 pm (EST) is Sun noon in Sydney.
Ok, I will check in on the link at both 11am my time Sydney 11am AEST and 12 noon AEDT and again at 12 noon my time 12 noon Sydney AEST BUT 1pm AEDT - see you at your 9pm EST.
See you soon.
thank you Elsa, we had a great discussion hour+
it was lovely to meet you today
I'm so sorry it didn't work for you.. Lots of people were there. I recorded Dagmar's talk and I will soon be posting Dagmar's talk.
9 pm - as far as I know, we will be going on daylight saving time in a couple of weeks. Now still EST. I will be there in 15 min
There are lots of great people on here. More friends.
My appetite and sleep is next to none since his arrest/kidnapping….. I wonder lately about what might have transpired since they accused him of trying to “escape” etc. and how the authorities tend to engulf an individual with several of them capable of injuring someone in the process. My opinion is that Dr. Fuellmich was set up to be silenced, not too far fetched that this was the intent. We have lost such great heroes and path finders over the last few years, including Dr. Rashid Buttar in May of this year…. As Dr. Fuellmich alluded to in his last interview with Elsa for the 2nd Truth Summit, we can no longer afford to stand by…… We can and should not be negotiating with the level of Evil we are up against. The Evil entities Dr. Fuellmich and others have exposed must be dismantled somehow, or we all perish.
You are connected to me!! I am sending out the video soon.
If he’s charged and goes to trial all will be exposed and verified under oath. If his enemies were smarter they wouldn’t have gone this far.