Viviane Fischer on The Dirk Pohlmann Show - 21 October 2023

TNT Radio

podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tnt-radio… (53.46 mins.)

On today's show, Viviane Fischer will tell why she sees no other possibility than to go into open confrontation with Reiner Fuellmich.There is a scandal cooking within the Anti-Covid-Measures movement in Germany. The most important non government information outlet was and is the the "Corona Committee“, run by the Corona Committee Foundation. A lot of money was donated to them, allegedly several million Euros. Quite a big chunk of that money went missing. It took some time for the members of the Committee to notice something was wrong, as they were busy doing interviews and publishing several hours per week. Now there is a court case on the horizon. Reiner Fuellmich, who has been interviewed on TNT several times was extradited by Mexico to Germany and immediately arrested. He had announced that donated money was to be spent for an international class action, which never materialised. The person who started the legal case against him is Viviane Fischer, a lawyer like Reiner Fuellmich, she was the former co-chief of the committee and former co-host of the Corona committees internet sessions.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Viviane Fischer is an Attorney at Law, an Economist, a milliner and sheep breeder. She co-founded the Corona Investigative Committee with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and two other Attorneys. At one time until September 2022, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich co-hosted the program with Viviane. Viviane Fischer is also the founder of 2020news.de


Oct 24, 2023

Viviane Fischer's reply to the article on the arrest of Dr. Fuellmich



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Neither of these links lead anywhere.

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Connie, from being on the Internet for a long time now, every time I get a message such as yours, it has ALWAYS been the case that the problem lies with the person who's reporting that the links don't work for them... Typically it's because you're using an old phone/computer &/or you have a slow Internet connection &/or something else altogether. BTW, I just checked & the links work fine...

I once had a lady put me through all kinds of BS about this same kind of issue & then at the end she casually mentions that she has this problem ALL THE TIME...!!! And, instead of dealing with the issue, ppl want to assume the problem is caused by someone else...

PS: Before you contact ppl with this kind of matter, DON'T - the problem is at your end.

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All 3 links in the post go where they're supposed to go. Anything else I don't know about.

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The first one I get "Unfortunately this page could not be found." The second I get "Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else." By the way I am referring to the 2 links right at the end under "Viviane Fischer's reply..." etc.

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These have nothing to do with my post or anything I linked. Maybe whoever posted the comment will respond.

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One thing that is clear is the extreme importance of having everything well set up. I have many other thoughts, but this is unfamiliar territory. I need more knowledge.

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I am unable to navigate the loop of links. Will try again later.

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The videos are now online (a bit early. They're only scheduled to be online at 10 am EST). So, enjoy

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