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Thank you!

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Thank you Elsa for the updates and mailing address. I feel guilty that I have not personally thanked Reiner (working on that now), he is one of the rare heroes of our time. His legal experience and compilation of evidence has clearly made him a target. I don't see why this is a criminal case other than a blatant attempt to suppress his voice and actions as well as deter others from similar activities.

I am praying for the judge / jurors to have the courage to do what is right. I have seen so many sham trials.

Please post a link for livestreaming of the trial and / or key updates.

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I will see about livestreaming links. I will be doing daily updates. Nothing happening today. I will be talking with Inka soon. I have read a couple of accounts plus listened (German) to Katja Woermer.

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Praying for him & his legal team.

Seija G.

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Thank-you, Elsa. I write to him--send a cheerful card-every week. But, that isn't enough. I'm so glad you are keeping the lines of communication two-way.

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Hearing nothing on any alternative media about his situation is hard; I need to know what is going on because I believe in him and the work that he did for all of us during the plandemic. He woke so many up and gave them reason to become truth seekers and resistent to psyops and most of what MSM was reporting.

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I am with you. I took on doing this and then continued becasue of the incredible silence.

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Thank you for the update. Our group prays for all the persecuted heroes in this crazy info/bio/psyop war. God bless you for your work.

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Whew, at last, thank God. Praying that there won't be a postponement.

Thanks for letting us know, Elsa.

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Thank you Elsa, for your updates, my love and prayers go out to Reiner and Uter as they live through these criminal actions taken against Reiner. God Bless.



I finally completed all my packing up and moved up to Cheltenhan to a friends on Friday 26 Jan, where I'm 'couch surfing'. My daughter, Annabel, Tim and teenage son move next week to their new home. they have been busy renovating. As soon as I can I'll get back into gear re Reiners situation.

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All the best with all the adventures, moves and more.

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Stay strong and know we all support you Dr Fuellmich! Yours, Will Garay

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Very much appreciate your work in bringing Reimer's news to us Elsa. This is why we must change the world, because if it stays like this, under this same consciousness (that others have jurisdiction over us) the good people will be behind bars and the psychopaths will be jetting around freely.

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Thank you Elsa for the updates.

Praying that his lawyers will be astute to counter the arguments in his favour.

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They way Germany has handled this, one would think the National Socialist are back in power after 79 years.

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Thank You for keeping us up to date!

My vision for him is a speedy victory!

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I pray very strong for him, for his health, for everything goes well for him and his family, i send them all my love, is sure now i get his address i will write him. God bless him and stay with him at his side all his whole life !! The DS will not win, because the Love for lawful is more strong!

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I hope everything goes ok!

I'm confused. Why was he arrested? Was it some kind of subpeona he didn't respond to that created a warrant for his arrest?

We heard it was nefarious, trying to shut him down.

What is this case charging him of?

It's so hard to get information about this.

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Expect this to happen to anyone who speaks the truth. We have undergone this sort of thing before, during WWII and times before that. This is how dictators and oligarchs keep their populations stupid and under control. The good people will be the ones in jails, that could include yourself. So it is in everyone's interests to speak the truth - that way we will blitz them instead of the other way around. Don't forget they are aiming to put us into open air prisons which they call 15 minute cities. This is what happens when people censor others. What we must do is answer everything with more speech not no speech. Or just ignore it and move on. But never shut people off. (Got that Elsa?) Because if we do it to each other, it will sends a message that they have our consent and it will be done to us. We must hold censorship in contempt. There are very rare and extreme justifications for exercising it but we must remember that when we force someone into silence, that is going against the Golden Rule.

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The charges (refuted by Reiner) should have been civil not criminal. But best is I send you Reiner's own account:

UPDATE. REINER FUELLMICH SPEAKS OUT. His Personal Statement, Parts 2 and 3.


Dec 13, 2023

Here is an earlier brief message from Reiner:

A MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH. More letters to embassies. And more about carolling for Reiner.


Dec 5, 2023

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