Where is the public outrage and alternate media coverage. A leader of the fake covid pandemic war crimes movement was kidnapped from a foreign country and locked up as a flight risk based on a civil complaint filed by a party that has control of the funds that were alleged to be embezzled in a personal account rather than a trustee account? Can anyone file a civil complaint against anyone anywhere now and have them kidnapped and locked up in any jurisdiction without public outrage and massive media coverage?

This whole mess stinks to high heaven. Where is Reimer Fuellmich team of international lawyers? The Grand Jury Corona Investigative Committee presented a comprehensive and credible Nuremburg 2.0 case to the Court of Public Opinion and now this much needed action is shot down over internal accusations and disagreements over the distribution of donations for operating or personal expenses.?

This whole farce is exactly what the international war crimes against humanity criminals would have orchestrated to squelch. any kind of movement to bring justice. Pack it with controlled opposition infiltrators who stage false accusations against the patriotic leaders of the movement.

Its shame jurisdiction experts are not jumping all over this fiasco to protect the people from states assuming the right to indefinitely detain suspects from other jurisdictions. Let's start with that injustice.

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I agree: This whole mess stinks to high heaven. Stick around. Actions are being planned. You should be informed within 2 weeks.

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Thanks Elsa, I will stick around. The Dr Reimer Fuellmich case, regardless of his guilt or innocence to the frivolous complaint of embezzlement, is about whether a state can use force without the rule of law to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone for political reasons based on anyone filing a complaint.

This is what tyrannical governments do and they will get away with it if good people say wake me up when it's over. It's a crime to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone without due process in any jurisdictions.

Now people Grand Jury Corona Investigative Committee donations will stop and the massive amount of evidence and the credible list of expert witnesses' testimony assembled by Dr Fuellmich's movement will be suspended. pending a sham hearing in a kangaroo court.

However, the Dr Fuellmich's kidnapping, and detention based on frivolous charges sets a dangerous legal precedent if it allowed to go unchallenged.

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Thanks for your engagement!

Reiner hat sich mehrfach bzgl. der deutschen Justiz geäußert.

He said more, then one time, something about the quality of german justice.

Totally korrupt and desaster!! Same like USA an Graet Britan, just look Julian Assange!

Thatswhy there is reason, now to beleave it - ablolutely not! Espaccialy in facing, what ist happend the last weeks!

I hope you do remeber:

He said, more than one time, there ist no possibility to set the legal way in germany.

There ist no freedom of justice. How could we beleave now in it? How?

With other words, we all live in a simulaton of freedom, justice an human rights!

The only way, we do not recognice, is the being of simulaton, the mass of examples in worthless results of courts work.

The only reason is, to bring people beleave in this justice, that really not existing!


Remember, why said Rainer, that Maori could and should save the whole world? Because there ist nothing else!

And our primary error in the movement of freedom loving people, is to think, we can free the world, without anonymity, without personal body guard around the clock.

What happend in Mexico, could not happen, with bodyguards.

It was kidnapping, nothing else! These are the rules, the system is playing in.

So we all have start to think about different ways.

Remeber, germany has no evidence for be an independence state.

And there was a different important person in Jail for 47 years. (5 from this 47 direct in in Great Britan) Find it out and start to think in a little bit of distance, from yourself, free of former think conditions without prejudgment in your brain!

There has to be something, like independend UN troops, to free Reiner, but not the UN troops itself!

Something like UN troops.

This ist the only way, in a so called failed state, like Germany without free justice in all the important points. (for example Michael Ballweg and there are much much more I dont want to talk obout the names.)

The system force us to free Reiner in a different way. a way never have never was before. Wie have to think new options, new possibilitys.

That ist the usually procedere, when the system do so.

My number one vision is, ask palestines, when tey want to change prisinors with the opposite site, took Reiner on the list, for exchange.

Read my lips, a faster and better way, you will not find!

This ist the great reset!

Change the rules!

The time is now.

Should I complete something?

Are you ready?


One hundred years ago.

First the fake flu "spanische Grippe) spanish flu.

Then desaster of the living conditions in the 1920ies, downfall of values and culture (homosexuality in theatre an movie buissenes)

Hundred years later gay parades. Another equality.

Than are the leader of the new party in germany in prison, exact today 100 years ago, this party, that free germany as the first state worldwide to overcome the poornes of people.

And the prisoner oft today ist Reiner.

This are, if you want or not, equalitys.

Why? Because the opposit site, the system, is the same!

Think about it.

And with the reference of that, from hundred years ago, they will say, we cant let him out.

And last not least, look the absurdity of accusations today (equal like against Prof Sucharit Bhakti), also the same, like us told about hundred years ago!

Because of this way to talk with peaple, we do become more and more questions. Whan was the pont of break even, to use this argument like an inflation?

It seams more like :

"When the only tool you have is an hammer, every problem hast to look like a nail"

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I believe there will be a way to get him out. Us together. I just sent out something that I see as a vital step on the way toward peace. I also believe there are many steps that can be taken.

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Reiner ist not a criminal! He saved the live of millions of people. He works complete against the agenda, made by the money - elites, maybe in WEF or so.

In a world of justice, that could not happen, what happend in Mexico!

In a world of justice, could not happen, what happened with Reiner, Julian Assange, with Edward Snowden, with Saddam Hussein, with Muamar al Gaddafi, with Joerg Haider, with Olof Palme, with Anna Lindh, with Pim Fortuyn, with Tino Chrupalla (poison attack) and so much more, known or unknown.


""Beleave" means, not to know.", and

" "Hope" ist the first step, on the road of disappointment!"

The world is quite a bit different, as we think.


Because of main stream media, because of school system, because of censored or filtred history. Like Napoleon aldready says. History, that means also the present, is a fake.

We are not a single step forward since Napoleon.

The enemy will buy Reiner, so they do it everytime!

You can choose between money, or a destiny like Allende, Roldos, Ohoven (Corona), Haider, Möllemann, Barschel, Palme, de Marguerie, (Oil for Euro) Magifully (Corona Test positiv by papaya etc.) maybe also Friedrich Schiller, and so on!

So simple!

New ones have to fight!

It has to be a movement, of all the innocent people, not the hope of the people, for leadership of some people. Such a movement cant bie succesfull!

If Reiner becomes free in the legal way, he will bei a different one, e.g. Michel Ballweg.

If he becomes free by neccesary new rules, he would be the old one!

Sorry for that, we are years more in the awakening process!

I wish you all the best!

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What stymies people all the time is their reluctance to disclaim worldly "honors". Or their greed. You partake of their evil, even if just a little bit, you will become the prey of the dark forces. This is also what Trump doesn't get. As far as solutions, there are none for Reiner so long as he hangs on to these worldly trappings. If he's a domiciliary of Germany where this is going on, and if he's willing to do the 3 Notice process recognized by Matthew 18:15-17, and even recognized by the international UCC, he can establish what the facts are, including the fact that the people, acting as corporate agents, who kidnapped and falsely imprisoned him had zero authority to do so. THEY WILL NOT DENY THIS if done correctly, addressing the Notices ONLY to the people, NOT their entities. There are ways to even improve on the outcome from there, if there are people in Germany willing to return to their common law roots under God and form their own common law courts in which they could adopt the contract created by the 3 Notice process. If anyone wants to address this on any of my common law broadcasts, feel free to email me at wljaradio at aol.com. Check out our archived broadcasts, especially episodes 1 and 2 which explain the 3 Notice process and how to do it correctly: https://www.youtube.com/@wljacommonlawundergod/videos

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Reiner is a Bar Attorney. As such he is in service to the British Crown, whether he knows it or not. Secondly, you are not dealing with Public Courts and Public Law. I would suggest you promptly find an expert on jurisdiction of Law, because he will be railroaded otherwise.

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As a former attorney who resigned in disgust in 2019 because of the types of hoaxes you describe, I don't see that the testimony of any type of expert witness is going to make a bit of difference to those running these fake corporate tribunals, whatever they call themselves. I always believe Foelmich was making a big mistake by NOT resigning and NOT simply helping people form their own lawful common law courts to address the common law crimes of the de facto corporate "governments". We have begun to do that now in Ohio, and even have a judgment now (Plaster v. DeWine) against one of the criminals running the STATE OF OHIO cabal: www.occr2021.com

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You are correct. Any kind of license or registration and you've contracted and surrendered jurisdiction.

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That's why I figured Foelmich was playing with fire. Any solution to this mess MUST come from outside the rigged,corporate system. The psychopaths running this system won't fix themselves.

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Yup. Unfortunately, very few of us know this and it's an uphill battle to get people to listen. Right now we can only protect ourselves.

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A few of us are doing more than that. We are creating our own true courts and staying the Hell out of their corporate dens of iniquity. Check out www.occr2021.com where we are deciding cases and entering judgments.

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Yes I know. But there aren't anywhere near enough of us yet. My other problem with Anna was the bull rush to form the Assemblies. You've got at least another 3-5 years before enough people get up to speed. That is when the real fun and payback will begin. "Those who were first will later be last"....or something like that.

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The interviews, and the Grand Jury, provide a huge part of the solution: THE TRUTH, THE FACTS. So many people learned enormously from them. And yes, spreading truth does not endear someone to the Invisible Hands.

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Elsa, he's in a Kangaroo Court system. He needs to tear up that bar card, resign and dispute jurisdiction. When you step into those damn Courts you are deliberately misrepresented as legal fiction/legal person. Those courts are not for living people. That is why it is not a Public Court system. It is private and he will get railroaded.

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Reiner knows what he's up against. I trust that he and his attorneys will do what is most likely to succeed. You are giving suggestions. But you do not need to live with the consequences.

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Oct 30, 2023
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They're corporate/private courts and they're rigged. Statutory Law is private law passed by an incorporated entity. All governments are incorporated. You will never get a fair trial in their court system. Reiner will find that out in Germany just as Donald Trump is finding that out in America. It is a dirty, rigged Court system.

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I forgot to add that Bar Attorney's are not allowed in Public Court system. So, if judges and Bar attorneys are involved, you know you are dealing with a private Court system and not a Public Court. You need to know jurisdiction of law to fully understand what I am talking about.

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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The three jurisdictions are: Air, Land and Sea. Each has it's own Court system. Public Courts/Law are of Land jurisdiction. They are unincorporated and at present they no longer function. Private Courts / Statutory Law is for legal fiction i.e. incorporated entities( Sea jurisdiction). I know of only two people who understand all this far better than I do. One is Anna Von Reitz. She is in Alaska and can be reached by email. Her site is simply: Annavonreitz.com. The other is John Henry Hill. He lives in Crimea now, I believe, and I do not know how to contact him. He does still have a Law Blog up that contains a wealth if info on this very subject.

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I agree with a great deal of what you are saying but the original law, on which all other is based comes from the Bible which instructed us to take dominion over all of His creation. This includes the fish in the sea. AVR was wrong about those so-called 3 jurisdictions. To look to the Constitution as the source of our rights, and/or, worse,THEIR usurped POWER, will lead us to make an unnecessary concession that the corporate tribunals have authority over "admiralty and maritime" - the laws of piracy, in other words. Oh, and whatever they choose to call Interstate Commerce too. Is either the 1781 or the 1787 Constitut.ion OUR document? Hell no they're not. But those documents at times DO make interesting concessions we can use. When they usurp power,we can reject that usurpation. We are the people. Our ancestors forgot that they too were the conceded source of all law (Chisholm v. Georgia, USSC (1793)) and allowed the massacre known as the American Civil War to kill people for no other reason than that some of them refused to live under a tyrannical government and its taxation policies. Check out Lysander Spooner's essay on Treason and open your minds a bit more.

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Oct 30, 2023
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This was very interesting to listen to, thanks very much for making it possible, Elsa!

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A pleasure.

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Hi Elsa

The zoom time in AEST is 11:00am Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, not noon.

Noon is actually Syd, Melb, AEDT. It is important to note this as. It was 11am local time AEST when we joined you. 😊

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Thank you Elsa, for this update! Thank you Dagmar!

Thank you BOTH for being brave, authentic, committed to truth, grounded and no-nonsense women!

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Wonderful news, Elsa! Thank you so much for this and for all you do!

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A pleasure. I would want this news. So since I am able to provide it, I am very happy to.

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I am very happy to find this post today, Elsa! Thank you so much, as I also missed the first half of the meeting yesterday. I do look forward to joining in future meetings. Now to listen to Dagmar. It is so good she will see Reiner so soon.

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Thank you, Elsa. I was on the last half of yesterday's call. What a wonderful group of authentic people. I am so glad I hopped on the call. I should know this, b/c I have a substack, but can I privately email you using a substack address? I think you mentioned that, but I wasn't able to write it down.

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The substack email address. Very very easy: truthsummit@substack.com (It's the same for everyone - the name of the publication @ substack dot com. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Great - thank you. I definitely should have known that! I will organize my many thoughts and email you later today. Thank you for all your do.

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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I speak to the facts in law, personalities and emotive discord is irrelevant.

The facts in issue.

If there is any alternate motive , by organisations , Government or other this can only be

ascertained by discovery in the documentation.

If is as you allege , it must be shown by action directly related to an intent, an act of omission,

to deceive, to permanently deprive the funds to whatever means sustains the allegations.

If Herr Fuellmich, and associates of a Law Firm , were planning to use the funds to further

a class action or other legal action, again it is the disclosure of relevant information of the

actual facts , not suppositions or personal opinion , as this is not relevant if not supported

by actual evidence of structures and means that support the claim.

I also find the actions of the rendition of Herr Fuellmich to Germany, under the alleged

payment of " any" benefit, without the correct documentation of a binding warrant, for a

an alleged " civil" matter disturbing, as the Arrest at Frankfurt is unlawful , as the fruit of

the vine, that is the pretext of Herr Fuellmich' custody in Mexico is tainted then so is the

position to enforce a warrant in Germany, if the applicant is in Custody based on false

applications of international law.

I stay away from the emotive issues in these matters, and the conduct of personalities,

My sole endeavour would be to make sure all due processes of the Protocols and that

full and complete discovery and disclosure of all matters of the facts in issue are correct,

The legal games begin, if this is a political issue, we will see it, as we can see that the

State is very insecure and the developments around the Medical Issues are evolving rapidly,

this is a " real " issue, and this is happening despite, the tragic world events taking place


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