Thank you for the amazing amount of information you have gathered for the Truth Summit, Elsa - such a fascinating mix of wise and wonderful guest speakers! I'm really looking forward to next week's interviews, though Andrew's contribution has to be (for me, anyway) the most significant. What he shares could be the key to saving humanity and the planet, when enough of us are ready to absorb what Dr Wood has to say. Her explanation of what the seismic readings on 9/11 indicate is telling, for those that have ears to hear - along the lines of 'a great weight was lifted from the ground, rather than a great weight was slammed on to it'. Here is a link to some of her videos by their fellow researcher and friend Richard D. Hall, who is currently being persecuted by our British establishment and BBC for his efforts to re-examine a different 'inside job':


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Thank you for the link, Teresa. And I agree: of all those interviewed, "Andrew's contribution has to be (for me, anyway) the most significant." For me as well, it's the one that is most linked to a massive amount of generally unknown information - I had only become aware through something someone sent me.

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Hi Elsa. Despite the video links being in date. Most will not open when clicking the link to watch them.

Any mileage in putting them all on Rumble at some time in the future?

Every single one of the interviews are too important to miss.

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Summits don't work that way - otherwise people would not watch in large numbers, if they knew everything would be online at some point. There are many videos available from all these people, so all the information is available.

Maybe I will rerun the Summit in the fall.

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deletedJun 17, 2023Liked by Elsa
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Thank you for your comments. It's a pleasure hearing them.

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