It seems that the wrong person is in prison!! It smacks of when a female accuses rape, the man charged, and it turns out it was complete lies, quite often the female lying to save herself from indiscretion. Something is off here.

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I agree: don't believe every cry from a woman crying victim. But much more than VF here. We had Justin Hoffman, for instance. An absolutely core figure. And then there were the "invisible members."

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Yes! Just the others don't turn up to talk about their grievance! Who is pulling the strings here! Asking the universe daily to get the truth out.

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The Defense is doing a good job of separating the plaintiffs from each other .. as VF's testimony shows a consistent story that AF & JH were no longer active participants in the Corona Committee.

VF seems to be a very confused woman .. her loyalties are in question.


"Attorney Wörmer asks further: "Were you separated from your husband during this time?" Fischer: "No." Attorney Wörmer: "Do you have a relationship with Robert Cibis (from Oval Media, author's note)?" Fischer is confused and asks the court whether she has to answer this private question."

. . . . .

"Finally, the night-time gold pick-up with Robert Cibis at the Füllmich family friend's house in Gö.ngen comes up. She is asked: "Did you spend the night in a room with Robert Cibis at the girlfriend's house?"


VF's relationship with Robert Cibis (Oval Media) .. is on public display! The tab is a chunk of gold and EUR 59,250. (Looks like that will need to be further sorted!)

The Court probably has no real interest in whether VF and RC were in a room together at night. That's a story that is always good juice for emotional stirrings .. rattling VF's cage no doubt! The question would be less emotional if VF was asked if she had spent the DAY ALONE in a room with RC (as if nothing romantic can take place unless it's at night!). Were VF and RC discussing the transfer of wealth .. guarding the Gold perhaps? ;-) lol

To be continued ...

Thanks to everyone involved in the record of these events so we who trust Reiner can be informed.

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Mar 9, 2024
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lol :D

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Mar 9, 2024
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Interesting observation!!

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