It was a pleasure talking with Yvonne Katsande about Reiner in early December - Yvonne Katsande of South Africa’s LN24International. She’s long been a big fan of Reiner and his work, and was very glad to bring news of Reiner to her audience.
A few days ago, I reached out to her about the USS Liberty. She was eager to do an interview. She had already started investigating Candace Owens’ claims, and was not in accord. In fact, she was very negative about the claims.
So here it is:
Yvonne Katsande Interviews Dr. Elsa:
Debunking Candace Owens’ Lies About the USS Liberty Attack:
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Posted January 8, 2025
Just finished listenin' ta the whole thing Elsa--well done! I'm surprised a journalist from S. Africa is so open to hearin' Israel as "not the villain" here given that the S. African ICC is callin' fer the arrest of BB & his gen'rals for war crimes... I guess this is more dissent there than I was aware of!
So, of course I gotta few things ta add on that an' on the Churchill angle...
So, just re the USS Liberty, ye covered all the salient pernts but we might add...
1. the speed (going what was REPORTED to Israel as bein' 30 naughts i.e. a "warship" or threat...)
2. Bein' redesignated as Egyptian-not-American after the shift change b/c of the explosion an' due ta them wonderin' if the markings on the boat were "false flagged" AND because the USS Liberty, when asked to identify itself, replied "AA" (meanin' "you id yerself first" ) which seemed suspicious to the Israelis..
3. Also, Candace's idea of this bein' planned a year in advance to blame Egyptians an' pull the US inta the war makes no sense...b/c Israel was winnin' an' didn't need the US to fight... An' if Israel "planned this" why were there a couple hours of "reconnaissance" flights to see what the heck they had there... (mebbe they could not believe their eyes at first?!)
4. As soon as the communications section was "out" Israel offered "help" (medical etc)--refused of course but once they secured the risk, they tried ta be decent...(sigh) I don't think you'd do that if this was a planned "take out"
OKAY now ta Churchill--now I know we disagree on Irving--an' tho' I'm no "fan" of Churchill, I don't think if it was me sittin' there I'd have agreed to Hitler's "kind offer of peace" either if ye look at the offer itself-- I'll apologize in advance as I gotta skedaddle so I'm pullin' a few quotes from the innertubes ta put together a little picture of those peace offers....
1. Hitler's peace proposals were not made in good faith and Churchill knew this--this is b/c Hitler's Germany had already reneged on the terms of Treaty of Versailles (form WWI) which should have been honored...
2. Hitler had already gone back on an agreement made with Neville Chamberlian. (sorry no reference but this was mentioned...) More 'n one source sez basically that, "The war had started because of Hitler's failure to live up to negotiated terms previously, and Churchill on a personal level always maintained that England negotiating with Hitler at all was a mistake. (Churchill thought little of Chamberlain).
3. Churchill felt that the peace offerings were not made in good faith, also because Mussolini, Hitler's ally, was to arbitrate the arrangement (would you trust that fascist as one?) and therefore would be biased an' offer more favourable terms to the Germans than to England. (That's some "arbiter"--but this is ta say at the time peace offerin's were bein' made Hitler & Mussolini were already "podners"--would you, if you were England, buddy up with these fascist "boys?"
Good pernts here:
4. Hitler the promise maker:
Hitler says he won’t invade other countries.
Then Hitler invaded Poland
Hitler says he won’t invade any more countries after Poland.
Hitler invades France and most of Europe.
Hitler says no, really (ha ha), NOW he’ll stop invading places and'll be nice.
(Believe 'im then?)
Hitler says okay, just give us part of Czechoslovakia and that will be it.
Then he occupies the rest of Czechoslovakia which is now defenseless.
Hitler had already contracted with Stalin in 1939 to "go halvesies" on Poland and the rest of Europe. Hitler wrote to Churchill, "German-Russian relations have been thoroughly and decisively established, as even British statesmen will also learn." So if Churchill played nice with Hitler he'd be shakin' hands with BOTH Stalin & Mussolini... Churchill was not keen on fascists but he REALLY did not love Stalin or da communists. (In fact he felt all Soviet joos were "the bad joos!"--he published it!)
OK so let's say ya think nope, Hitler lied but "these offers" would have made a new honest man outta Hitler... Let's look at that offer cuz imho the last "peace offering" seems to me a "veiled threat than a kind offer....
"Hitler made it clear that rejection of his appeal to 'reason' would result in a 'final' attack upon Britain with every resource that German could throw into the battle. As he spoke, German airplanes ranged over the British Isles again and dive bombers slashed at British shipping in what Nazi had said was a mere preliminary to the long threatened 'blitzkrieg' offensive by Germany and Italy in an attempt to invade England for the first time in nine centuries."
So sayin' "Howdy Winston ol' chap, I'm here to offer peace an' ya better agree cuz I have my planes hovering over ta bomb ye ta smithereens if you don't agree, but I'm a really nice guy so of course you'll agree to my nice offerin'.... else I'll use all I got to destroy you!" (imho that's a threat not an a peace pipe!)
"What is coming will visit the people, not Churchill, who will probably be in Canada," Hitler said in caustic reference to the British Prime Minster as a warning to the British people of the effects of blitzkrieg attack.
Hitler added per his letter (memo?):
"He may think the outcome will be the annihilation of Germany, but it will the destruction of a great world empire -- the destruction of which was never my wish or aim."
Here are some of the "GENEROUS TERMS" of Hitler's peace offering which Churchill rejected:
4. France will cede Alsace-Lorraine back to Germany.
2nd week after Gallipoli ,where my grandfather fought in the (horseless) australian light horse ,also with bare hands - no ammo ..
2 weeks after Gallipoli 10 000 arms and legs from one afternoon ,floating across Bosphorous -Churchill's very sudden & new backers were his Shell -BP 'board .'
Having resigned speedily as Lord Of Admiralty he (C) vowed never again to let a neutral country (NL) sell oil to UK's enemies.
Churchill was instigator & chairman of BP -Shell .
From WW1 .
Secondly , 'Engeland Spiel' by a Friese writer Jelte Rep * - book referred to from friend ,neighbor - who before he died -asked me to get a FOIA on his father's death ,under torture - which was supposed to become available in 2020 ,UK law .
(*ISBN 90 269 4561 2)
No dice.
The americans trusted the dutch under ground 5 th PTT deep layer ,which had been competently organised - except Field Marshall Montgomery seemed not to believe this, inexplicably costing the battle of Arnhem thereby .
Even BBC Foyle's war rehashed some of the material trying to hide the simple fact that Churchill trained the very cream of the cream - Dutch -- as spies - then dropped them straight into gestapos arms the very day they were parachuted in . not just 10 ,or 20 - but many more .
I have never succeeded finishing the book -as it is so depressing - not just his dad's photo standing out .
Mauthausen basalt quarry , and a double weight hunk of granite heaved onto shoulders of C's NL spies -also often caught parachuting ,latterly - too coincidentally at exact moment of the gestapos prescence on Durmitor (MNE) .
Mauthausen's stairway of death ,was the preferred latter method of execution .. the incarcerated yugoslavs were faithful witness to all this.
Apparently C's motive was to sacrifice the dutch ,in order to hide information more crucial to the intent of dismantling an economy as large as Germany's .
So this is incidental to your search for historicity .
"They are completely egotistical and fight only when they are attacked -and then only for a few hours" Churchill on the Dutch - with whom he had longstanding family connections ,going back *hundreds of years ( Obele De Jong's ' Churchill en de Nederlanders ' )
David Irving is not the best source for this .
The Holocaust Museum in Belgrade ,and that city's Museum of Genocide has a better take - and still quite innocent of Brussels' constant revisionism.
And the one point stands out -Churchill knew his phone was hacked by SS listeners in NL of the Dutch telephone PTT .
But so did the americans - and had alternatives in place at 5th buried level of Eindhoven offices of PTT .
All recorded faithfully in 82 airbourne records - which my other grandfather fought with ,in WW2 .
(The Road To Arnhem- A Screaming Eagle in Holland by Donald R Burgett )