Love your chickens Elsa...couldn't make it to the meditation on Sunday, but am constantly doing such on my own for specific people , and more general, envisioning others are also doing visualisations of peace and well being, success, love and awakening to possibilities all over the world, and that I am joining them and adding to the effect. These envisioning feel really important, even though they are immaterial, along with whatever one can do in ones daily lives that has more material substance, I have to believe makes a difference to the overall vibrations on our planet. Blessings to all of US.

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Mar 30Liked by Elsa

I'm still at an early stage of understanding Substack. I have sent you my email address, and yes I would appreciate the link. Thank you.

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It is confusing at the start. It took me a long time, as a writer with more than one Substack. I am still learning! For your email address. I have gotten a number of requests and I will now send the link. I will send again tomorrow to people who write to me later.

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

I will be there too. 🙏🏻

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GREAT. Please send me your email address.

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On here?

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It will be on zoom. I'll send a link if you write to: truthsummit@substack.com

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Mar 30Liked by Elsa

I see, I'm sorry Elsa. I thought you already had my email address because that's where I see your notifications.

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It's there, along with many many others. Substack sends my posts to everyone. I have no idea which address is yours. It sounds as if you'd like the link, which i will be happy to sed to you.

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