Reiner has a very honest face. I believe this trial is a stitch-up.

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Thank you for the updates on Reiner.

I am keeping him in prayers. I met him in Houston at the “Crimes Against Humanity” tour. He is a soul that exudes the love of God and the fight for truth.

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Yes, much love, integrity, courage, goodness.

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We won't know .. may never know .. how much sleep is being lost in the prosecution's camp because of Reiner's poor treatment. One thing I always keep in mind is something I learned many years ago .. that the longer it takes to reach a conclusion .. the better the outcome on the side of justice and truth. Meanwhile the "SYSTEM" is responsible for the treatment of Reiner .. whatever that happens to be .. and there will be a trail left by anyone doing him harm .. or good. Reiner is no fool .. of that we can all be certain .. even if he has human flaws .. he's not a lame duck! Reiner may well have been communicating to MORE than just us .. and so his comments will resonate with those for whom his message is intended.

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I am still wrapping my old head around being in too good shape for one's age. I am older than Reiner.

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