Feb 25Liked by Elsa

Thank You! It seems VF has 1 foot in x2 camps & leaning in accordance with which way the wind is blowing! Though I don't think that she meant harm, just not self-reliant in knowledge of herself, easily overshadowed by Reiner, without his meaning to be so & easily manipulated by the other x3. I watched VF & Wolfgang Woodard interview with Sasha Latypova. If you haven't seen it, Please do! VF was smiling, relaxed, asking pertinent questions in very good English, without stuttering, at a loss for the English word. SO: I will not speak harshly of VF. I think VF is a better fit for your (Elsa's) Truth Summit, because for e.g. virus or no virus ? The no virus followers (like VF) mean to attack, & relabel Allopathic Medicine for CHRONIC Disease, as an unsupportable pseudoscience. It's a big bite for a single court case to prove either way, over time what took generations to inculcate into the Normie mind will happen in the public mind and then in numerous court cases. Clearly, Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fisher are like oil & water. Viviane Fisher, Catherine Watt, Sasha Latypova, Ana Mihalcea, Stuckleberger and many others are revealing major issues that surround The Covid Theatre. Like the financier who created the free book & video - The Great Taking (.org) - Todd Callender has revealed 50 years of legal changes that has led to - literally - The Weaponization of Public Health -- Existing Legal Framework for Global Depopulation. Uploaded video with transcript by Ana Mihalcea here: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/the-weaponization-of-public-health

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I see you have thought about this. Many of us have. About VF and your words - "easily overshadowed by Reiner, without his meaning to be so." That is far from what I heard and saw: VF often not paying attention, even paying attention to her cell phone rather than the interview. Further, she said she would take care of the emails, and did not, also did not say it was too much for her. Then she was the one who spoke out against Reiner, after having tricked him into believing there would be no meeting so he was not there to defend himself. All this is important.

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Feb 25Liked by Elsa

Elsa! What you say only supports my perception of VF. The last vid I have of Werner - think he was in Mexico at the time, a brighteon.com upload. He interviewed an expert chemist whose specialty was in suspensions (particles in solution) & behaviour of same via their charge and the saline fluid. It was almost a year ago so I don't remember the correct terms. He was explaining (a cloud suspension - heavy at top to negligible at bottom) how when one draws up the fluid (drug) for an injection one can get a variable degree of suspension, from negligible dose to a full dose (he used % like from 10% to 30% to 60% etc. AND over time due to the chemical structure of the synthetic peg-nanoparticle (a single + bond), there would be a type of clumping throughout in the cloud, such that the needle could draw up (greater than 100% to 0%) drug. The + charge on the synthetic peg-nanoparticle would also react with the saline (sodium/Na 2+? of the solution. Again the terms were new to me & it was months ago. But this clumping was prevented by refrigeration & enhanced by room temp. & more so in body temp in its reactivity with the sodium (saline) due to the + charge on the particle bond. Everyone would/should know about this reactivity and Pfizer knew it and said so in their documentation. Nevertheless, as each vial of drug (C-19) had several doses. When it was to be turned into a single dose, it was to be added to saline (more sodium). This is the type of info that Werner can use in a court case. I asap thought of the "how bad.info or how bad is my batch.com showing the variability of the batches. Werner was excited to hear the chemist's info. So was I?

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24Liked by Elsa

As always Elsa, thank you for keeping us all up to date. So appreciated.

This is so convoluted and sounds like and reads like a soap opera. It almost appears like VF is on Reiner's side but yet she's verbally attacked him previously and lied to him. Am I missing something here? How is she involved with the 3 criminal lawyers, as Reiner labeled them in his last video.

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You are right. It's a mess!! And she is the one who made the big announcement - the allegations about Reiner after he had been tricked not to be at that meeting - that ended his being part of the Corona Committee.

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I don't believe it was VF's original idea to tell Reiner not to be at that meeting .. she may have told Reiner .. but it seems like she is easily manipulated .. in this case by Justus Hoffman.

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It's possible. She acts differently from JH, etc.

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Feb 24Liked by Elsa

Thank you for the clarification. I thought I had it correct but you're so right, it's a mess!!! Then there's the illegal act of taking him from Mexico to Germany and the way they treated his wife, too. I know one step at a time but I wonder if in Germany (under normal conditions), Reiner could sue the state for doing all of that especially to Inka. It just seems like there's a much bigger picture behind all of this. I wonder what Reiner thinks about that aspect.

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I agree: there's a much bigger picture behind all of this. And within this bigger picture, there are some people doing rotten stuff - like VF, etc

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Feb 24Liked by Elsa

I want ALL this evil to end and quickly not just with Reiner but with everything in the way that WE want it to end (with peace and freedom) - I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I can't help but be curious about how VF is involved, who's behind her, and how she'll try to weasel her way out of guilt. It is so strange how everyone around Reiner either turned on him or purposely set him up even Wolfgang.

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YES!!! "It is so strange how everyone around Reiner either turned on him or purposely set him up even Wolfgang."

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Thanks for posting this. I hope the court will confirm where the resources from the sale are resting.

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My hope: that the money can be gotten back. And that the wrong-doers are held accountable.

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