I really tried to follow this article , rereading it. And got lost each time. Maybe a timeline of events clear and consise would be helpful. And a list of characters. And what is meant by the word 'mandates' he keeps using? Reiner sold his home but the bank gave the money to a lein placed on the property for what? For the loan made of the donation funds? Then was the loan paid back by the sale of his home? And what did he do with the money he borrowed? Even more confused now....

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Someone took the money into his account, instead of repaying the loan. I believe Reiner actually explained more clearly.

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So again .. the major concern so far is related to Viviane Fischer's lies.

What VF said is now on record .. a hole that needs to be explored and exploited.

"The biggest lie was on September 2, dear Viviane Fischer, when you said: "I'm sorry, we can't carry out the Corona Committee because Corwin, who works with us, his wife is in the final stages of pregnancy and is expecting a child."

1) Was Corwin at the meeting? 2) Was Corwin's wife giving birth? 3) There may be other questions .. ?

A liar will reveal more when they are given the opportunity but the "facts" need to be established through other people.

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