In the first interview, Reiner speaks about an email describing Viviane as she was long ago. He allowed that email to be public without the name of the sender. Elsa says that email is somewhere at the bottom of the page with the interview, but it isn't.

Is that email still online? If so, where?

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I was asked by VF to take down the letter. So it is not currently online.

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Seems defamation is a one way street according to the perpetrators...

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Absolutely and utterly. Also I have seen no concern expressed regarding the accuracy of what is said.

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It`s very simple: You just do not attack your (business-) partner in public especially without him knowing it. This was an attack that weakened the truth - movement, so it was an attack to weaken the movement. Thats why it does not matter, if these accusations of this Fischer woman is right. On the contrary, because of this, she is probably wrong. She just used financial issues to confuse the movement. She even tried to hunt Pascal Najadi down in his attempts to create justice. If anyone has doubts, just watch how she talks: talking loud, but saying nothing. Up and down and left to right. Look how Reiner is talking: for everyone to understand. By the way, this Fischer woman has, for the alleged sake of transparency - made public the running costs of the Corona Ausschuss. Thank her for that, because now everyone can see, that either she can not handle the financial management or she simply cheats. € 32.000 per month!

Everyone, who has understanding about IT and Streaming Production is laughing. For a fraction of that the Corona Ausschuss can be produced and managed!! She is stupid, if she thinks we are so stupid to believe her.

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It is good to have your assessment.

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He was right from the start, but over the last 3.5 years he has brought light and hope into our lives, fought tirelessly for the truth, and saved thousands of people from gene therapy. He has done so many great and smart interviews with interesting and informed people so we can all see the truth. I believe and trust him. Thank you isn't even enough for what he did for us. Viviane is a fratricide, she sold him for money. God bless you, Reiner. 🙏"There will be justice, for everyone. Because without justice there can be no peace and no democracy"

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It's been held - 1 pm EST (until 2:30). There will be another meeting on Saturday.

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deletedNov 1, 2023Liked by Elsa
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Thank you so much for your loving caring and well-informed comment.

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