I admire him so much. Reiner is such a strong person and I can only imagine how wonderful his grandmother was. It is great that he keeps her close in his thoughts. Keeping Reiner and his family and community of supporters in my prayers.

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It’s always so encouraging to hear a message from Reiner! He’s in my thoughts and prayers.

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Isn’t amazing that it will take eighteen days in court to realize that if you sell your house and your money appears in someone else’s account something is very wrong!

All the best to Reiner and his sweet wife!

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Tells you a lot about the court!!!!!

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Elza, I suggest you look for an African Shaman to get Reiner out of prison. He could be released very easily. Act while there is time.

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There's nothing to stop African shamans - any shaman - from doing their stuff for Reiner. There is already masses being done with energy and prayers. From all around the world.

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bless his gran' an' all the gran'mas that taught us resilience, grit, an' how not ta git all bent outta shape over the small stuff--

I dearly wish mine were with me now, that my girls could'a known her, but then again she'd be fairly shocked an' ashamed at humanity in general bein' overly sensitive and under-appreciative an' petty as all git-out (we humans could all learn a lesson or two from those who lived thru wars an' far greater challenges! they did not complain like folks do now! I'd say if society ever gits right-side up again they should replace the story hour drag queens with oldsters as they've a lot MORE to impart to the youngsters than just makeup & twerkin' tips! so yup, bless all the grannies with us an' those ones dearly departed too (for all've us that remember 'em well)

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