Seems like the report is very brief .. would have liked to have had a more in-depth read on the questioning but maybe this is all we get for now. Very interesting .. gotta wonder where the seed for these proceedings originally came from .. and why.

We may yet see some revealing things come from Viviane Fisher.

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We see JH's seed - his hatred for Reiner. But he needed people in the court system to take him seriously. I remember that another judge (? - not sure of the title) said there was not enough to make a case.

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I'm confused...where is parts 1, 2 and 3 of Day 4 "already sent". I can only find one other post for day 4 in your archives....I'm trying to keep track of the timeline

Is this what you mean "Water level report" part 1-3?


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Substack won't let me edit....I now see parts 1-3 are within the ONE article linked above

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Yes, those are parts 1, 2, and 3 of Day 4.

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