I found it by entering the title on Youtube.

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Same here Amy Harlib. Confounding.

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Congratulations. I will post the replay for everyone.

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Is the panel happening? It's not responding despite refreshing.

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Things happened. I forgot to post the link. Sorry. I will post the replay.

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It's after 3 PM on 6/27 and NOTHING - NO LINK! Searching on YouTube - NOTHING!


I give up and will go about my day. What happened? NOTHING!

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Things happened. I forgot to post the link. SORRY I will post the replay.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by Elsa

OH GREAT! Would love to see the replay! Thanks so much!

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It's just uploading right now. I think it will have finished uploading within an hour.

Shakespeare: All's well that ends well.

Would be great for the world as well as this!



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Spare a thought for Elsa, after all the hard work she did in putting this Truth Summit together. The glitch is most likely to be youtube up to its tricks, trying to sabotage anything which might help people wise up to what is being done to us. I'm sure the panel will be up and running as soon as possible, we just have to have a bit of patience and understanding.

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Human error - mine. Also I have not used livestream before - which actually worked - so the error was all mind. I did not post the link. My attention was pulled away. One thing extra. But the panel is all there. And thank you, Teresa, for your understanding.

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