Jan 12Liked by Elsa

Sorry I missed this. Praying hard for positive outcome and RF is acquitted and released asap.

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There is a replay available, if this should interest you: https://rumble.com/v463sm6-dagmar-schoen-and-katya-wormer.html

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Jan 11Liked by Elsa

Hi Elsa. I missed the meeting so I will wait for the replay to be uploaded. It's so outrageous that they're keeping him in prison so long, and without bail or a trial date. It's no excuse that they think he's a flight risk, his whole arrest scenario was so shady and wrong. I'm so upset that he's still in prison.

Thank you for holding these meetings and keeping us updated on Reiner. You seem to be the only one making this effort and it's very much appreciated.

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I'm glad to do this. It feels very right to do it.

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Hi Elsa, I joined the Zoom meeting yesterday and stayed until the end. I'm going to watch it when it's available on Rumble, but as we speak, it's not yet available. I may comment further AFTER I watch it, but these are my initial thoughts.

I'd like to say that I felt quite disheartened at various things during the meeting. I felt sad at the way Charles Kovess and Dagmar spoke to you in the beginning. You clearly had a message to pass to us (you were on the phone with Inka, Reiner's wife, at the time) but they would not allow you to speak. They told you they would cut you off if you continued to interrupt. WTF?? How dare they speak to you like that? I suspect that most of the 100 people who were on that call were actually thanks to you.

My impression of Dagmar and Katja, Reiner's attorneys, during the meeting, don't inspire much confidence. They did not clearly explain why Reiner is not out on bail. When Marie-Claude and someone else (myself included via chat) asked about the bail, Dagmar asked Katja to explain the situation. I don't know why she didn't explain it herself, as Katja was unable to string 2 sentences together in English. We did eventually get a bit of an explanation, but it's still not very clear.

Dagmar also used the F-word while speaking, which is offensive and so very unprofessional. And what’s also unprofessional was her (Dagmar) mentioning her other cases. We’re not interested in her other cases – we were all there to hear news about Reiner.

Another annoying thing was that the whistleblower/activist, Stephen Frost, was given so much air time. Why? He's not an attorney, as Charles Kovess mentioned on numerous occasions. Yet, he had so much (waffle) to say. And you, Elsa, who did have things to say, wasn’t allowed to speak!

Marie-Claude was eventually given the opportunity to speak, after having her hand up for so long, but no one knew what she went through to try and speak to the Canadian consulate. Marie-Claude was visibly devastated but didn’t get the air time she deserved, in my opinion.

The meeting concluded with a request to find an International European Attorney/Lawyer to help Reiner's imprisonment. I was flabbergasted at this point! Why would the likes of Dagmar and Katja not know of a European Attorney/Lawyer?

Reiner was imprisoned nearly 3 months ago, and his attorneys are looking for someone to help!! Only now?? After 3 months? What have they been doing all this time?

These are the few things that really got my goat, and I’m sure there’ll be people who may shoot me down in flames. But as Charles Kovess said, we’re allowed freedom of speech and he’s not interested if anyone is offended. Well, neither am I.

I recognise and appreciate everything you’re doing for Reiner, Elsa. Just like you, I diffuse information as much as possible and follow many of the MSAM (Main Stream Alternative Media) like Del Bigtree, Tucker Carlson, James Corbett, Maria Zeee and Vigilent Fox, Maajid Nawaz, Joe Rogan, Neil Oliver etc, as well as FLCCC, Dr Tess Lawrie with The World Council for Health just to mention a few.

I’d like to end off by saying that there’s a French Attorney called Virginie De Araujo-Recchia who supports and admires Reiner. I will forward you her letter that she wrote following this. It’s in French, but I’m sure you’ll find a way of translating it. Also, you may or may not, have seen this on YouTube - https://youtu.be/2ETeDjoyzHY (I’m not sure how good your French is, but Marie-Claude will understand, I'm sure.)

Maybe you may like to try contacting this French Attorney? You never know…..

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Thank you, Daniela, for your caring comment. My feeling - just like yours. I thought it was outrageous, most of all the open disrespect to Reiner's wife, Inka. "Let the lawyer's speak." She was the one who had the request. Also what arrogance. And yes, a good chunk of the people were there through my posting about the event - I recognized quite a number of the names.

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When I attempted to join the meeting, I got a message saying the meeting was full. I kept trying, and finally, towards the very end, I was let in. Sounds like I missed quite a doozy. I will keep an eye out for the replay. Will be interesting to see if it's posted in edited or unedited form.

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Here is the Letter from Virginie De Araujo-Recchia, Elsa.....

Lettre de Maitre Virginie De Araujo-Recchia :

« Je vois que certains articles concernant Reiner, tentent de discréditer le « collectif » des avocats, qui ont participé au Grand Jury en laissant entendre qu’ils auraient fait une cagnotte et en auraient disposé ensemble.

Comme je l’ai toujours dit, je n’ai jamais reçu un centime pour les centaines d’heures de travail, que ce soit pour la préparation, les auditions, les comptes-rendus.

Puis, laisser sous-entendre que Reiner « fuyait » au Mexique est également une fumisterie de plus. Reiner se déplaçait régulièrement pour ses interventions à l’international. Son passeport et celui de sa femme leur ont été volés lors d’un de ces déplacements. Depuis le vol de leurs passeports, ils n’ont jamais pu regagner leur domicile en Californie.

Il s’agissait du prétexte parfait pour l’interpeller en zone allemande.

Concernant les comptes, je ne suis pas dans ces affaires, puisque je ne suis pas membre de ce Corona Committee.

Néanmoins, en tant qu’avocat, je trouve étrange que l’on préfère régler des problèmes d’associés en public en faisant grand bruit, avant de tenter de les régler devant les tribunaux, ceci au risque de jeter l’opprobre sur toutes les actions menées pour le bien commun.

D’après ma compréhension, il y avait de gros risques que les fonds de cette association soient gelés par l’Etat allemand, en raison de son activité, comme cela a été le cas pour une association d’un professeur proche de Reiner.

Par ailleurs, je m’étonne que les comptes de l’association aient été validés chaque année sans que personne ne s’oppose à la gestion jusque là.

Ils avaient ensemble organisé la gestion du patrimoine de l’association et plusieurs personnes sont impliquées dans divers investissements, contrairement à ce qu’on laisse entendre aujourd’hui.

Le cabinet d’avocats de Reiner a pris en charge toute la gestion administrative de l’association, puisqu’aucune cellule administrative dédiée n’avait été mise en place pour les besoins du Corona Committee.

Reiner ne connaissait pas certaines personnes du Corona Committee depuis longtemps lorsqu’il a entamé les auditions au sein de celui-ci, elles lui ont été présentées.

Pourquoi Reiner n’a-t-il pas agit plus souvent devant les tribunaux ? Parce qu’il ne croit plus en ce système. Une dernière plainte lourde menée avec un autre confrère allemand pour le compte de militaires n’a rien donné.

Je rappelle ici que le seul juge qui a osé rendre une décision contre le port du masque imposé aux enfants en Allemagne, a été perquisitionné et a été condamné à une peine de prison.

Oui, nous faisons des constats en tant que juristes.

Par conséquent, il est très aisé de présenter les choses de manière biaisée pour porter atteinte à l’honneur de Reiner.

Je souhaitais donc pour ma part rétablir certains faits, car Reiner a passé 3 ans à visage découvert, des centaines d’heures à vous informer et à prendre la parole pour le bien commun, j’ose dire pour le bien de l’humanité.

Reiner a tout mon soutien, peu importe les attaques, tout comme il m’a soutenue (un des seuls avocats à le faire : combien d’avocats se sont levés lorsque, pour les mêmes raisons politiques, j’ai été mise en garde à vue en mars 2022 ?). »

par Yoann

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I speak French, It feels so good to hear this. Thank you for sending.

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I believe this woman was arrested at one point? -- back during the Grand Jury proceeding? I remember --she was impressive.

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Yes that's correct. This lady, who's also an Attorney, was arrested and as she states in her letter, albeit in French, Reiner was "one of the only lawyers to support and stood up for her".

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Thanks for posting this 😁👍

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Jan 9Liked by Elsa

Thank you, Elsa. Sadly, I can't join the Zoom meeting but I shall watch it on Rumble. 🙏🏻

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Thank you for letting us know, Elsa. I'll be there. Will be 9pm my time :-)

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