I hit an accidental home run with: NO MORE BANKS IN CANADA AS OF JUNE 30, 2025. But one home run is not enough. NOW, ACTION!!
I hit an accidental home run with NO MORE BANKS IN CANADA AS OF JUNE 30, 2025. Over 134,000 views in 24 hours. Clearly, that message got people’s attention. They read it. And shared it. (And FB deleted it.)
The big question. What next? Babe Ruth isn’t famous for one home run, but for great home run seasons. So how do we get a great home run season?
First, let’s savor the success. If you’ve ever been to a ball game, you know that every home run gets huge applause.
But the game doesn’t stop there.
So again, what next?
First, this isn’t a ball game with a fabulous pitcher watched by a crowd. We’re all participants. I didn’t get the views. You did it. By reading and sharing.
If we go on to a great home run season, it will be thanks to you - to your taking part, both sharing and taking action.
What actions? Those are going discussed - like easy-to-do mass sending of emails to Canadian MPs and Senators. Stay tuned. More news next week.
Right now, today, Saturday, August 10, there is a discussion including Rima Laibow and Connie Shields with . . . MAX BERNIER of the PPC (People’s Party of Canada) - the only Canadian party against the mandates, for the Truckers Freedom Convoy, and ANTI-GLOBALIST.
The discussion will be live-streamed on Rumble. Everyone can ask questions (in writing).
If your response is, but I’m not Canadian, the answer is: That doesn’t matter. We’re all in this together.
Saturday, Aug 10 - 2 pm PST, 5 pm EST, 10 pm UK time.
I know it is crucial to take the steps we can take.
I have no idea what the discussion with Max Bernier will bring.
But I will be listening.
Stay tuned for more.
By the way, here’s the core of the home run message, which I read in a post from Connie Shields:
Bank Act
S.C. 1991, c. 46
Assented to 1991-12-13
An Act respecting banks and banking
“Sunset provision
21 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (4), banks shall not carry on business, and authorized foreign banks shall not carry on business in Canada, after June 30, 2025.
After that, there were “sunset provisions.” They gave a maximum extension of 6 months.
I left a comment:
I do not like the answer:
Connie Shields, Author
IT SURE DOES MEAN WHAT IT SAYS...they are just waiting to implement CBDC
There have, by the way, been many very interesting and informative comments on the post I sent out.
Another by the way. This is from Connie Shields’ post, which inspired my post. An interview with Andrew Sleigh:
Posted August 10, 2024
Again, I suggest you watch the video, on what is happening with fiat currency, etc.
The act is the Bank Act. It is from 1991, where the year 2025 was given. Please watch the video with Andrew Sleigh.