I’d like to join your Zoom meditations for Reiner when they occur. 2pm est is 6am my time (Australia) which is a bit early. Anyway my thoughts and blessings are directed towards him.

I’m so grateful to him for his work and courage, and to you for posting these updates.

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If you'd like to join - though they are very early for you! - please send an email to truthsummit@substack.com

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Thanks Elsa.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21Liked by Elsa

Elsa, it is so much appreciated that you are keeping up with all, or much of what is in the process regarding these outrageous trumped up charges against Reiner, by those number of people who are acting criminally against Reiner. This clearly commenced months before he was actually kidnapped..

It is rarely easy to cope with delays, especially of this magnitude, when Reiner’s personal freedom has been removed along with the separation from Inca, and all that such entails. Yes, I agree with you. "that Reiner's mind is open to the positive changes the current expansive quality of time offers him".

I feel that there are Higher forces at work, and changing cosmic energies effecting all situations, both collectively as well as individually - those who follow True Sidereal Astrology will understand to what I refer. This Thursday 23 Febuary 2024 *'Venus conjoins with Mars bringing balance 'receptive and tactful, through Venus but at the same time 'assertive and direct through Mars, and combining these, can be a great way of working with this energy this week'.

Also, I have read that President Trump has announced GESARA at some of the many rallies he has been speaking at. Also GESARA is is coming into being , see GESARA. NEWS www.gesara.news - Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, which is explained under the heading 'ACT' and when you No 6 below:

No 6: Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

That is referring to globally. So, this too will help Reiner, when both he and the lawyers understand and apply it to his case.

As I see it there are so many transformative situations happening both literally as well as energetically. Hence Elsa's writing "that Reiner’s mind is open to the positive changes the current expansive quality of time offers him", is very appropriate from my perspective.

The world is set on a new course, that has been coming together below the surface, and has been constructed by good, honest, caring people, it is presently in the process of being implemented. Reiner was one of those individuals who had trained in Law and knew it to be within his capability and thus felt it his duty to set up The Corona Enquiry and in so doing allowed many hundreds of people to share their experiences in this Public arena on the Internet. The result was that, many thousands of people watched and were profoundly supported by what was gradually being exposed, including myself.

The global entities such as NATO and more recently WEF were made up of individuals referred to as Globalists who were/and are still hell-bent on creating a Satanic New World Order. These people have committed heinous crimes against humanity and they are terrified, for they know their fate. Many years back, when Bush Sr. was asked what will happen if the people find out, he is reported to have said " They will chase us down the street and hang us from the nearest lamp-posts" From the information I read justice is already being metered out and may thousand indictment have been issued.

God Bless all those of us on this planet who stand for truth and justice..

Thank you Elsa and all.



* Weekly Horoscope February 19th to 25th 2024 - True Sidereal Astrology Channel: Mastering the Zodiac by Athen Clrmenti

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Hi Katannya, thank you for you full answer. And just to let you know that I'm not the one who created the intent. That's from the German group that started the much larger German group meditations. I just felt there were enough of us, on the English-speaking side, who would also appreciate group meditations.

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RemovedFeb 20
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All it means is: maybe Reiner will come to even better ideas and plans, including for after he is released. 4 months in jail - not easy to have to wait even more.

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