Keep fighting the good fight and running the race of faith and endurance Reiner! Truth and justice for you, and for all who are persecuted for taking the right stand, will eventually prevail. We know who wins this war. It is those of us who are on the right side of human history. When all is said and done, God and His people win. The book of Revelation makes this clear, by revealing (lifting the veil of) God's plan for mankind, culminating in a thousand years of peace and justice. Yeshua Messiah will judge and destroy all of the wicked and the evil, followed by Him ruling the Earth and His righteous people from His mighty and glorious throne. Amen.

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Continually wishin' 'm well tho' I'm not quite as sure it's time ta discard my "black pill" chewin' gum!

Concernin' 'bout his mentioning something very bad goin' on in prison (apart from the obvious cruel treatment--seems to be another issue?)--

One quibble is that I think there's a lot more to both the story of Trump's 2nd or 3rd (now) "ass-ass-a'-nation" AND to the unfortunate death of the young Turkish-American pro-"Palestinian" activist in the W.Bank-- perhaps in question'in' both--I'm the cheese standin' alone! (the last verse of "Farmer in the Dell")--OR perhaps there's much I don't know about the connections of these two stories to Reiner himself, perhaps it's just empathy? Perhaps it's more...? It does strike me odd he's bringin' up these other issues but I guess he feels keenly 'bout 'em... My guess is he's gettin' limited nooz or only nooz distilled from those who have strong scentymints (ha!)--or mebbe uncensored access now? Anyway, just an added thought (inconvenient but it did strike me as a bit odd... whadda I know?)

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I agree: "My guess is he's gettin' limited nooz or only nooz distilled from those who have strong scentymints (ha!)" And me too. Very much: "Continually wishin' 'm well."

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Thank you!

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Dr. Reiner is Truly a man of Wisdom, Morally based, and a Warrior of Freedom. His motivation is genuinely meant for all people through his words as well as his actions seeking Justice for the Horrifically Unimaginable actions perpetrated on Humanity....

I also sense that he and Inka have Divine support on their side. For truly how else could they live through such a nightmare and still be refreshed with solutions and justice on the horizon!?.....I cannot adequately express my Gratitude and Thankfulness to Dr. Reiner, Inka, Elsa and ALL the Warriors' undying efforts and Resilience to expose Truth and restore Freedom for All...♥️♥️♥️💜💜💜

Loraine with tears of Awe and Respect....🙏🙏🙏

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It's so good that his spirits are high and that he sees truth coming to light.

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