This GOoD man deserves ALL the support in the World.. for holding grubs accountable.

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The apostle Paul said 'for we do not TREMBLE(not wrestle) against flesh and blood!! Let us believe this!

But against principalities and powers in high places.'

Note: People have suffered greatly going up against these--they fight back!, use your weaknesses against you.

Make sure you have on the whole spiritual armor of God,

then pray. Groups of fervent believers are more powerful.

Report to each other what you feel, pick up.

Hold Reiner's image before you, find out what Reiner felt.

You should be able to loosen these bonds.

BUT, don't quit!! They circle.

God's agape.

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Elsa, please forward this critical information to the mother who lost her 11-year-old son to the remdesivir death protocol before the February 12, 2024, wrongful death deadline expires. She needs to research the Scott Schara story and contact him directly for consultation. before she let's this opportunity to hold psychopaths accountable expire.

Tell her to just search his name on Rumble and listen to this broadcast:

Dr. Jane Ruby Show: Stop The 2nd Holocaust

A November, 2024 trial date was set Friday for a wrongful death lawsuit filed in connection with the death of Grace Schara at Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital, but exactly what issues will be decided must still be determined.

Scott Schara, with his Schara's family, has posted multiple billboards about the case -- claims the doctors and nurses who cared for the 19-year-old during a hospitalization, violated her patient rights when they listed her as a DNR, or do not resuscitate, without consent. They also say she was given a lethal cocktail of drugs that led to her death in October 2021. And when family members asked for doctors to step in and save the young woman, they did nothing. Ascension St. Elizabeth has denied the claims, and made arguments about why the case should be dismissed.


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Feb 4Author

I will forward this to her.

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Absolutely wonderful.! Please inform her about Deprogramming with Grace's Dad on Rumble too. Grace's dad created a site in her name www.graceschara.com

for direct contact with Scott Schara.

Thousands of families are dealing with the catastrophic remdesivir protocol in hospitals everywhere and the only way to prevent this democide is lawfare at present.

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Continuing to 🙏🏽 Pray for Reiner

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Candle Light!

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Feb 4Author

Yes, It felt right!

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