I have been meaning to start writing Ed. I am going to do it! I’d also like to send a book and will carefully follow your instructions Elsa. I have wondered if someone is caring for Ed’s little dog Bella. There is so much injustice. Even if we can only do a little bit, let’s do it. Thank you for caring about Ed everyone. I try to write to Reiner every Saturday. Hopefully I can fall into a similar pattern with Ed.

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Great you will write Ed! He loves knowing people care, and hearing from people. As for little Bella, both Ed and Bella are lucky. Ed has a great neighbor who takes wonderful care of Bella, taking her to Ed's cabin most days and keeping her at his trailer the rest of the time (his house was burned down in the fire). She is very well. This neighbor, Ted, also goes to visit Ed - his only visitor - every Saturday for the one hour he is allowed to see Ed.

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Fantastic news! I have such respect for you and for your efforts on behalf of Ed!

Would be great if the energy work, which I am a big believer in, was continued as often as the energy person feels is helpful. Was there a cost for the energy work?

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There was no money asked, but the person who got in touch with the energy worker did choose to give some money. There is now more energy being sent, and nothing financial.

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Wonderful, thank you for staying on top of this, it must mean the world to him.

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Thank you for this somewhat uplifting Substack. So Elsa, does this mean, then that Ed, never receives the actual cards or letters, only scans of them? I am both confused and heartbroken. I have sent him a few stencillled coloured pictures with verses on the front with my written notes to him on the back. I thought they were scanning both the front and the back (for their records?) and giving him the original to read?

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I'm so sorry if some of your beautiful coloured pictures did not get through! Until June 1st, they gave him the physical letters. From June 1st, as I wrote (but we're not perfect), they only gave him a scan, and only of one side. That is on their website, when you look at the details, but the only information I had until recently was the change of address.THEY HATE BEAUTY AND CARING.

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Thank you Elsa. I will send him both separately in the future. It is sad, but probably accurate what you say about beauty and caring. Let the haters hate, I will continue to spread love and beauty while time permits. I really feel for Ed, as what has been done to him, could be done to anyone. I appreciate all your Substacks.

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I love your caring to spread love and beauty, and your caring for Ed who, as you say, could be any of us..

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thank you for fighting these battles...so happy for him...and sad for the injustices preying on so many amazing warriors and fellow citizens. 💖

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My sense is this battle links with far bigger battles - plus I care for Ed, and this small battle also matters hugely. All out small battles - like for every one of our cats - matter hugely.

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thanks for this, its easy to forget about who as been eclypse. you are the ray of light in many life and that means even if we save this earth or not, your heart is saved from madness. that is the most important, peace and thanks again dear elsa.

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You're ever so welcome, mon cher Jean-Sebastien.

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A group called Action 4 Justice deals with unjust pre-trial detention internationally. By now, Ed may be able to file an sction against his lawyer and against others who are responsible for his prolonged detention and for the with-holding of necessary devices for an alter-abled person. This county may be a backward county, but the issue is a state issue, and there are honest and sophisticated activists elsewhere in California. Leigh Dundas comes to mind. She is in southern California. By now, Ed deserves compensation for this charade. A good lawyer should be able to get a case filed and going.

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It is a question of time and capability. One, Ed does not even have internet access. As for me, there are major time limits. That is why I asked: would you have time. The suggestions are great. But it all takes time. I cannot do more on my own. I need more help.

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Perhaps The Innocence Project can help.

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Perhaps you can contact them and see if they could help.

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A small mercy for Ed. Respect for Elsa getting his case into the light of decent people.

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The nard thing: knowing whom to contact. His lawyer - no answer!! And in fact, it turned out that his lawyer had his brace and inlay all this time, did nothing to try to permit Ed to have them, though totally his right to have them.

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Ladies and Gents, call off the search. For we have located the whereabouts of THE scum of the earth, THIS guy.

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OMG. speechless, wtf is going on??!!

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