You have convinced me that Ed is innocent and i would like to send him a donation of 50.00 dollars . Do I send it to you or some other organization? Quite a few months ago I sent a donaion
to your commentary on Love Letters, I donot think it it was cashed, or do you do take I k it at the end of the year? I know you are very busy , but can I call you some time on WhatApp or you call me ..
About a donation to Love Letters, I have no idea what link you used. I am usually notified about any donations, and I answer thanking everyone. I faintly remember getting a donation from you, and writing a thank you. But once again, thank you. Very appreciated.
Thank you for your desire to help Ed with a donation. I did think of creating a donation link, but then I worried about a muddle. What if his daughter wanted to decide how the money was to be used? She is doing everything in terms on the legal side without me (all fine, except if someone was giving money to Ed, who would have access in terms of deciding how to use it).
I’ve been trying to brain storm ideas to get Ed out of prison. Maybe we can ask President Trump to persuade Governor Newsom to free Ed. I’m not a Newsom fan, but I know Trump has met before with Newsom on the wildfires in CA. I’m going to write letters to both.
I agree too Elsa that Ed is being denied the one medication that can end his excruciating pain and instead has been put on a ridiculous number of medications most likely with the intent of killing him. I want Ed home with Bella as we all do. This is so unjust. I’ve been looking up organizations that help people who are wrongfully convicted, but Ed hasn’t been convicted and the waiting period is years. I don’t understand how Ed can be in pre trial detention I guess you would call it and denied the right to a speedy trial. I don’t know enough about the legal system and would have to look this up. Surely there has to be a limit on how long a person can be held in this state. I’m also trying to look up organizations or government oversight that looks into the treatment of prisoners. I haven’t had much success with that. Elsa, it’s my understanding that Ed has a public defender for an attorney. Has his daughter looked in to pursuing a private attorney? I know there’s always the monetary problem. You probably have to pay a retainer fee. Also, maybe a private attorney can sue the state of CA for wrongfully detaining Ed. Right now I think the best thing is to request that President Trump speak to Newsom about Ed.
Yes, I will definitely email you copies of the letters. I’ve already started the one for President Trump. I’m about half way through. I do everything on my iPhone as my laptop is shot. There is an app called Kwikletters that people in the US can use. It provides the President and Vice President’s addresses and also those of Congress. They will actually type up your letter and envelope and mail it to the President or whoever you select for your state government. They say a letter in the mail carries a lot of weight. I can’t use it for Newsom though as I reside in PA and you have to reside in CA to use those addresses. The app was acting up so for now I’m just typing the draft into my iphone. I’ll see how it works tomorrow. I’ll write Newsom’s letter separate from the App. The letters will be slightly different from each other.
I had to go back and read through all the info on Ed to get dates and everything straight.
The Ombudsman idea is great! That’s exactly the type of thing I was searching for! Thank you, Elsa. I will be looking at that info and calling and writing. I’m getting together with all my kids and grandkids in a few days for a week, but I will work as fast as I can.
I don't know the ages of your grandkids, or what they're llike, but loads of kids love to see good win. Maybe they'd like to write to Ed and the president and on if you tell them about Ed. A kid's simple letter may also be more likely to get reading than a letter from a grown-up. And the kids could get a lrsrning in how they can do something. Let me know if that could be interesting to them.
About any private attorney. That is something the daughter may be looking into. By the way, there is yet another option that I'd love to share with you. You can write to me at: It could be fun, is my thought.
Re: I’m going to write letters to both. FABULOUS. THANK YOU. Send me the letters and the contact info, and I can publish them, so others may follow your example.
Re: Has his daughter looked in to pursuing a private attorney? I know from Ed that she is in touch with his court-appointed lawyer and with some other lawyers. She wants nothing to do with me, so I don't know any more.
One place I have not contacted: the California ombudsperson for prison abuse. I looked it up but somehow did not follow through on this. (I did contact several other places and people.) I incredibly appreciate anything you and any other people do - so very good:
You can contact the Office of the Ombudsman by calling (916) 445-1773 or writing to California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Office of the Ombudsman, Post Office Box 942883, Sacramento, CA 94283. Visit the main CDCR Contact page if you have questions
Elsa this is terrible 🧐😳😢😠🤬! Thank you for your continuos support to ED! I can do so little :(, sadly the judicial system is poison everywhere, in Moldova Nathan has been in prison for more than a year, I think now, as he is a Jew inmates have being tenting to his life a few times, they found drugs in his bag that he was transporting as a favor to a person, old known in an European country. He was told that was dogs food! Although sounds crazy I do believe is true!! He has no being charged either but they have put a high price to let him free that he cannot afford 🤔! I myself was imprisoned for almost a year in weird circumstances by mistake but we did not know the language that was a big barrier, it is far from a good experience and I was not sick !! Not sure if this sound crazy, is there a website where people can contact the president to hurry this up? 🤔 CAN be letters email send in bulk to politicians? I am not in US therefore I am not aware on practical ways on how to proceed.. Can his lawyer take the doctors to court for what they are doing to him? Anyone can do a HABEAS CORPUS any chance with ED? Elsa this is only brainstorming 🤔🔥
Elsa, now that Kash Patel is head of the FBI, he needs to be informed about all the innocent people set up and imprisoned like Ed and also some J6’ ers that have not been released and were lied about saying they were violent when they were not. There was a video that secretly taped a FBI agent boasting how they could set up anyone and imprison them. How many innocent Americans citizens like Ed are waiting for truth and justice and freedom to come. Is there anyone out there that can inform Kash and Pam Bondi about this terrible travesty? Perhaps someone on Substack or reading these comments can help.
Ed certainly needs help, and I'm sure Kash Patel would help if he had the jurisdiction to help. Unless Ed is being charged with a federal crime, Kash has no authority to directly intervene.
As a former SoCal firefighter, with wildland fireghting experience and some training in fire causes and arson, Ed does not fit the profile of the typical arsonist. At his age, he would already have a record of arson somewhere in his past. This whole case seems like the investigators have been directed to find a perpetrator and decided Ed was going to be the target. With all the corruption that seems to hve permeated the CA government at every level, it is truly disappointing to see it manifest itself in the Fire Service.
Hi Elsa.
You have convinced me that Ed is innocent and i would like to send him a donation of 50.00 dollars . Do I send it to you or some other organization? Quite a few months ago I sent a donaion
to your commentary on Love Letters, I donot think it it was cashed, or do you do take I k it at the end of the year? I know you are very busy , but can I call you some time on WhatApp or you call me ..
All the Best
About a donation to Love Letters, I have no idea what link you used. I am usually notified about any donations, and I answer thanking everyone. I faintly remember getting a donation from you, and writing a thank you. But once again, thank you. Very appreciated.
Thank you for your desire to help Ed with a donation. I did think of creating a donation link, but then I worried about a muddle. What if his daughter wanted to decide how the money was to be used? She is doing everything in terms on the legal side without me (all fine, except if someone was giving money to Ed, who would have access in terms of deciding how to use it).
Sharing this Substack and continuing to look for ways to help Ed.
Thank you as always Elsa.
And thank you too. I'm so glad you care. I'm so glad for everyone who cares.
Being unfamiliar with the US legal system this may not be possible, but, can’t President Trump do something about releasing this poor man?
Probably he could. The thing would be to get his attention. Everyone who reads this, you can try.
I’ve been trying to brain storm ideas to get Ed out of prison. Maybe we can ask President Trump to persuade Governor Newsom to free Ed. I’m not a Newsom fan, but I know Trump has met before with Newsom on the wildfires in CA. I’m going to write letters to both.
I agree too Elsa that Ed is being denied the one medication that can end his excruciating pain and instead has been put on a ridiculous number of medications most likely with the intent of killing him. I want Ed home with Bella as we all do. This is so unjust. I’ve been looking up organizations that help people who are wrongfully convicted, but Ed hasn’t been convicted and the waiting period is years. I don’t understand how Ed can be in pre trial detention I guess you would call it and denied the right to a speedy trial. I don’t know enough about the legal system and would have to look this up. Surely there has to be a limit on how long a person can be held in this state. I’m also trying to look up organizations or government oversight that looks into the treatment of prisoners. I haven’t had much success with that. Elsa, it’s my understanding that Ed has a public defender for an attorney. Has his daughter looked in to pursuing a private attorney? I know there’s always the monetary problem. You probably have to pay a retainer fee. Also, maybe a private attorney can sue the state of CA for wrongfully detaining Ed. Right now I think the best thing is to request that President Trump speak to Newsom about Ed.
Yes, I will definitely email you copies of the letters. I’ve already started the one for President Trump. I’m about half way through. I do everything on my iPhone as my laptop is shot. There is an app called Kwikletters that people in the US can use. It provides the President and Vice President’s addresses and also those of Congress. They will actually type up your letter and envelope and mail it to the President or whoever you select for your state government. They say a letter in the mail carries a lot of weight. I can’t use it for Newsom though as I reside in PA and you have to reside in CA to use those addresses. The app was acting up so for now I’m just typing the draft into my iphone. I’ll see how it works tomorrow. I’ll write Newsom’s letter separate from the App. The letters will be slightly different from each other.
I had to go back and read through all the info on Ed to get dates and everything straight.
The Ombudsman idea is great! That’s exactly the type of thing I was searching for! Thank you, Elsa. I will be looking at that info and calling and writing. I’m getting together with all my kids and grandkids in a few days for a week, but I will work as fast as I can.
I don't know the ages of your grandkids, or what they're llike, but loads of kids love to see good win. Maybe they'd like to write to Ed and the president and on if you tell them about Ed. A kid's simple letter may also be more likely to get reading than a letter from a grown-up. And the kids could get a lrsrning in how they can do something. Let me know if that could be interesting to them.
About any private attorney. That is something the daughter may be looking into. By the way, there is yet another option that I'd love to share with you. You can write to me at: It could be fun, is my thought.
Re: I’m going to write letters to both. FABULOUS. THANK YOU. Send me the letters and the contact info, and I can publish them, so others may follow your example.
Re: Has his daughter looked in to pursuing a private attorney? I know from Ed that she is in touch with his court-appointed lawyer and with some other lawyers. She wants nothing to do with me, so I don't know any more.
One place I have not contacted: the California ombudsperson for prison abuse. I looked it up but somehow did not follow through on this. (I did contact several other places and people.) I incredibly appreciate anything you and any other people do - so very good:
Contact an Ombudsman - Office of the Ombudsman - CDCR
916-445-1773 or the Ombudsman Assistance Request Form › ombuds › ombuds › contact-us-at-the-ombudsman
You can contact the Office of the Ombudsman by calling (916) 445-1773 or writing to California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Office of the Ombudsman, Post Office Box 942883, Sacramento, CA 94283. Visit the main CDCR Contact page if you have questions
Elsa this is terrible 🧐😳😢😠🤬! Thank you for your continuos support to ED! I can do so little :(, sadly the judicial system is poison everywhere, in Moldova Nathan has been in prison for more than a year, I think now, as he is a Jew inmates have being tenting to his life a few times, they found drugs in his bag that he was transporting as a favor to a person, old known in an European country. He was told that was dogs food! Although sounds crazy I do believe is true!! He has no being charged either but they have put a high price to let him free that he cannot afford 🤔! I myself was imprisoned for almost a year in weird circumstances by mistake but we did not know the language that was a big barrier, it is far from a good experience and I was not sick !! Not sure if this sound crazy, is there a website where people can contact the president to hurry this up? 🤔 CAN be letters email send in bulk to politicians? I am not in US therefore I am not aware on practical ways on how to proceed.. Can his lawyer take the doctors to court for what they are doing to him? Anyone can do a HABEAS CORPUS any chance with ED? Elsa this is only brainstorming 🤔🔥
Thank you for brainstorming. We do need to get the attention of someone who can do something. As for his lawyer, he has not been very helpful.
Elsa, now that Kash Patel is head of the FBI, he needs to be informed about all the innocent people set up and imprisoned like Ed and also some J6’ ers that have not been released and were lied about saying they were violent when they were not. There was a video that secretly taped a FBI agent boasting how they could set up anyone and imprison them. How many innocent Americans citizens like Ed are waiting for truth and justice and freedom to come. Is there anyone out there that can inform Kash and Pam Bondi about this terrible travesty? Perhaps someone on Substack or reading these comments can help.
Twitter to them!! As TORTURE TO US CITIZEN BY court system
Hi Orli and team: Please also Twitter them!! The more peopledo it, the better, the more likely it is to be noticed.
Ed certainly needs help, and I'm sure Kash Patel would help if he had the jurisdiction to help. Unless Ed is being charged with a federal crime, Kash has no authority to directly intervene.
As a former SoCal firefighter, with wildland fireghting experience and some training in fire causes and arson, Ed does not fit the profile of the typical arsonist. At his age, he would already have a record of arson somewhere in his past. This whole case seems like the investigators have been directed to find a perpetrator and decided Ed was going to be the target. With all the corruption that seems to hve permeated the CA government at every level, it is truly disappointing to see it manifest itself in the Fire Service.
We agree.
Yes, anyone reading this - reach out to anyone who could help. If you have a contact for Kash, great. I am sure he is being inundated.