Elsa! One of your best posts yet! Absolutely send this to Reiner!

Your memories of your father and relating those to Reiner's plight are profoundly moving and insightful for all of us.

And never stop working to help Ed.


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Thank you. And I very much intend to continue doing what I can for both Reiner and Ed.

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Elsa, this is a beautiful message linking Reiner to your beloved father--an' to the impossibly inhuman situation of SO wantin' ta help in the face of unexpected impossibility--quite a burden for a brave soul to learn that he may not be able to "save the day" when he has crossed his own fear barrier and taken risks--so my guess is that you are vesting in Reiner a hope that unlike your father--he WILL prevail! He must prevail!

I have just read the dispiritin' message CJ Hopkins just gave out:


I really had no IDEA the German courts were that punitive, vindictive--tho' certainly both cases (CJ's and Reiners) show glimpses of that...

Can the two men help each other in some way? (beyond commiseratin' of course) I see them as both very strong to face the judicial monster we are now seein' flare its angry nostrils--

Either way, your gift is your gift--an' even if Reiner cannot SEE your posts (Inka can tho, right?) I'm sure he knows you are "there for him" an' that counts lots! (In lieu of letters mebbe he could be permitted ta see print-outs via snail mail? In any form, with or sans comments, words of encouragement are always deeply felt!)

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I am asking this message to be sent to Reiner. And yes, my hope is Reiner will prevail, and that what we all do helps him prevail. Reiner has so much more help - which we all need at times.

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Of course you should write to Reiner always and your words are never empty cause you are very sincere. That's all your stength and also why I admire you, dear Elsa.

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Thank you, José

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Dear Elsa, I have vicariously lived life in the last few months thru your tenacity regarding Dr. Fuellmich. I read your Posts often and many of them have brought me to tears about our world and often I fall into apathy. I am not a quitter, but as a passing feeling, I have admittedly wanted to give up…. Yet, every time I open your Post about Dr. Reiner and Ed, I think to myself , “ Wow, Elsa’s tenacity is like no other”, and I want to emulate that quality in my life, even in the face of all adversity” ! Your authenticity, courage and strength is very palpable, and we all love you !!!! Patty and beloved pet “ Macarooni “

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Dear Elsa keep doing what you are doing as your post are like letters to Reiner in that you are enlightening people of his plight there by they and I also have written to him

I pray for Reiner Trump Musk Puttin Drs Sam and Mark Bailey Dr Michael Yeadon Dr Coleman and many others every night in my Rosary because only God can Rescue us from this dark place in history which has taken my 2 sisters and my son and dear friend in this evil war on humanity

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Dear Marianne, I am so sorry for your deep losses. And thank you for your loving prayers. Elsa

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Thank you Patty and beloved Macarooni! I am glad who I am makes you want to emulate some of my qualities. Strength is contagious (all qualities are). All he best to all of us, Elsa

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They did attempt to assasinate Trump . Very sad indeed. No fakes. I pray for Reiner from America.

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One reason it might be real that an assassination attempt on Trump actually took place, is because he makes inflammatory remarks about others and is often an instigator/agitator with a big mouth, or, as is often the case with malignant narcissistic personalities, needs to have the appearance of being a Victim. I also wouldn’t put it past all the political corruption to, thru the “power of suggestion” set us all up for the real one…. This might just be testing our reaction. Keeping Dr. Fuellmich and Ed in my heart and mind. Praying for his liberation from oppression as well. We are all Dr. Reiner and Ed’s in some way or another.

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