Elsa concludes:

"In other words, this was all, over and over, what is called a show trial. Nothing to do with justice or truth. In fact, supposed guilt was constructed, when there was massive evidence of no guilt."


Thank You for realizing - that the German Government is at WAR AGAINST ANY HONEST INVESTIGATION & CLARIFICATION of the WHY, the HOW & the WHO behind all the STEALTH WAR CRIMES during that Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERRORISM against "We The People"!


Instead of searching for the TRUTH - this CRIMINAL COURT IN GÖTTINGEN is actively committing heinous CRIME after CRIME after CRIME - to keep our best SOURCE on truth about the globally organized crime-scene on the FAKE-Pandemic behind bars & CUT OFF FROM "We The People", WHOM DR. REINER FÜLLMICH HAD BEEN SERVING SO WELL ALL OVER THE GLOBE . . . !


Dr. Miseré should realize himself - that the outcome of this FAKE-trial had already been secretly fixed some years ago - by SECRET & HIGHLY ILLEGAL PARTS OF THE GERMAN/AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, that had already realized early on in spring 2020, that the SECRET Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERRORISM ATTACK ON THE ENTIRE WORLD POPULATION WAS AN UTTER FAILURE, as French Nobel Laureate LUC MONTAGNIER had already found out in Mid-February 2020, when he applauded some Indian Students, who had been in fact the first to discover the ARTIFICIAL & CRIMINAL NATURE of Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2, but were CENSORED immediately.


And then they killed Tanzania's President John Magufuli - who was the FIRST in the world to uncover & deliver EVIDENCE on the fraudulent use of Christian Drosten's criminal PCR-Testing - with criminal protocols from the "Charité Berlin" - that were "tuned" to produce any (criminally) desired number of FALSE positives!


The fact that deranged German "HEALTH-Minister" Karl Lauterbach has escaped INVESTIGATION, TRIAL & JAIL until now, is another PROOF - that the failing German Government is fighting hard - to conceal the TRUTH, as has been starting to show in blacked out protocols from the criminal Robert-Koch-Institute's OWN observations, contrary to our continuing German Government LIES . . . ?


HERE you can inform yourself on the WHY, the HOW & the WHO is LYING to "We The People" in AMERICA & the world, for us Germans our big brother, who has been keeping Germany in a MENTAL prison, ever since May 5th in 1945.



The first EVIDENCE uncovered by the unforgotten German journalist & whistleblower Dr. UDO ULFKOTTE - who carefully documented THE SECRET CIA GOVERNMENT - that was DICTATING the leading "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" FAZ, who himself, shortly after coming out, paid with his life for the courage to tell the TRUTH:



And the SURVIVAL of our criminal WAR Government depends on PROOF, EVIDENCE & INTERNATIONAL WITNESSES being EXCLUDED from any trial anywhere.




This brilliant head of the "Corona Untersuchungs Ausschuss" ("Corona investigation council") - is the most dangerous man in the eyes of that international Corona-MAFIA - who are fully convinced that their heinous & top secret DEPOPULATION must happen now, and ANY resistance must be destroyed . . . !


HERE you see how the Rockefeller-Clan works on infiltrating HEALTH & MEDICINE ever since 1901 - and by now they believe, they control the WHO & the international

HEALTH-market - so that they can proceed with their STEALTH WAR on "We The People".


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Yes to this and so much more: " the outcome of this FAKE-trial had already been secretly fixed some years ago." Yes, a huge ongoing sting, not just against Reiner, but everyone on the side of truth, justice, human rights, freedoms. But this is far from over - from both sides.

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This is a kangaroo court.

It looks like someone high up gave the order: " Get Fuellmich! "

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We agree.

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We all no hes not guilty God bless him 🙏🏻❤️🫂

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My understanding of mx law, as a carefully listening old refugee from us, is that if a person's home passport expires, it violates tourist-visa in mx. US and likely other countries, can then remove a person from mx by paying some sort of fee. Reiner had not been convicted of anything. Wealthy "persons" in US/UK/Germany had reasons to pay such a fee. As for the mx government, certain organic individual human persons likely had little way to know why the corporations who dislike Reiner could have been behind the rendition. I use the word "rendition," as Reiner is not a kid. The northern perpetrators knew exactly what they were doing by failing to renew/re-issue a senior-citizen's passport. As for the fee--clearly, the corporations involved have money for fees. Just look at what the big corporations, big agencies, and the Houses of Insider-Trading have made at the expense of working-people in the past few years.

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Why are 'justice' systems outside the justice system and innocent people imprisoned before being found guilty?

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It's of course just the Luciferian jews!!

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I believe that has to do with the power of the predators at the present. My sense is we agree on that.

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