Oct 24, 2023Liked by Elsa

Excellent interview with Robert. What astonishes and baffles me is not that Robert notices this stuff but that other people *don't* notice it! How could they not be suspicious when aluminum and glass melts but plastic doesn't? Or when trees burn inside and at ground level but the leaves haven't burned? Or when the mobile home is burned to nothing but the wooden steps are not even scorched or seemingly even smoke-blackened?

Any comments on Lahaina, btw?

Re the fire Robert mentions from the UK. I think he meant Luton, rather than Liverpool? A multi-storey carpark at Luton Airport recently exploded into flames and burned 1400 cars. They said it was a diesel car that started it but the internet suspects it was yet another electric car and the authorities don't want to admit it. The batteries from an electric car could cause that level of damage, I think. A whole storey collapsed from the fire, I believe. Luckily no casualties, afaik.

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Yes, what is going on with people that they don't notice!!!!!

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Elsa, this interview with Robert is vital. The evidence he presents is critical to knowing what's going on. I was especially struck by the horrifying deaths of whole forests of trees even though they haven't been burned, yet still they die.

This interview mustn't be lost. Please don't remove it from public view. Where else can people find this information? The interview has no speculation, just pure evidence. It's so important. Please let me know where I can point people to see this video. Many thanks!

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I will be making it available in another link in a few weeks. Or maybe I will just do another PUBLIC interview with Robert - all the same information and maybe more. I will talk with him. I know he really enjoyed doing the interview with me, and I very much appreciated his vast knowledge.

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