How can I know if I can trust someone? It’s been an immense question for Daisy Papp. It's not a matter of having the feeling that we can trust. Daisy has come to the 5 plus 2 formula - you could call it the Trust Formula.
I heard of it in another interview Daisy did. I decided: this is worth bringing to everyone. Almost everyone who is awake has learned not to trust, that it’s dangerous to trust, that almost everything you’ve learned is not as it seems. We’ve learned that many people, including thought leaders who are seemingly on the side of human rights and freedoms, are not to be trusted.
All the same, some people are trustworthy.
And then, what about our relationships - family, friendship, business? Whom can we trust? And can we trust ourselves? To what extent?
In the interview I watched, Daisy claimed to have found a way of discerning who is trustworthy.
So I decided to interview her, starting with her life, which taught her how vital it is to be able to tell who is trustworthy -perhaps most after the betrayal, after the death of both parents, by the person who was supposed to be taking care of her assets.
She went on to develop the 5+2 formula.
Here’s what she’s found:
5 things to check for. There needs to be a yes for all 5 - meaning, the person needs to show all 5 characteristics:
- consideration,
- admiration,
- respect,
- empathy,
- 2 questions need to be answered. The answer needs to be yes to both.
- does the person say what they mean and mean what they say?
- do they do this is a timely manner?
All this connects with her definition of love, not only as a feeling, but as behavior.
Of course no one is perfect. Everyone has glitches. So no one will have a perfect score for everything.
Daisy is deeply committed to spreading awareness of the 5 plus 2 formula, so we know how to check if one can trust someone - including oneself.
She has found that so much is good between people, if they abide by using this formula.
For material on the Trust Formula, for more of Daisy's work including workshops, and also for her shop, you can go to:
And then, here is the interview with her, both on her life, and on the 5+2 formula::
Posted December 28, 2024