Canadian? You MUST Listen to Phil Primeau (You Can't See Him, But You Sure Can Hear Him!) His Clear, Concise Analysis is Crucial. Then Take Action.
Phil's voice is clear even though his face is obscured (his choice). He is, quite literally, a breath of fresh air on the Canadian Freedom Scene. We are honored to have him on Catalytic Conversations.
Once again, we have Connie Shields to thank for connecting us with the incisive, brilliant and fascinating Phil Primeau. He chose not to be visible, but his thoughts and insights make a great deal visible to his audience.
One of the clearest parts of what we discussed was why, and how, C-293 must not be allowed to pass the final steps of Canadian Senate approval.
You can help make that blockage a reality. Right now, the nearly 200,000 emails sent through https://stopc-293.ca/ have so far been successful at generating enough “noise” (their word, not ours) so that the Senate, even though it is an appointed rubber stamp body, has been unable to take C-293 through the 2nd and 3rd reading that will bring it into law.
You can join the noise making here:
There’s a lot of information there, including this highly impactful, clear and very precise description of how C-293 quite literally ends Canada as a constitutional nation state, operationalizing the UN “Sustainable” [sic] “Development” [sic] Goals:
This week, Canadian Senator Pamela Wallin stated, and reiterated, that because of our emails, our “noise”, the bill was pushed off all during last week and again this week.
Now is the time to double down, triple down, quadruple down and kill C-293.
For you in the US, this partial, not yet completed, but very impressive success should mobilize you to lean into the 6 simple Action Items at the 10 Million Patriot Challenge with utter commitment and determination. We must pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 while we still have a chance.
C’mon, America! If Canada can do it, the US can do it. You’ve got a Freedom Mouse.
We ARE the power. We HAVE the power. And Canada is USING the power to protect the country that it has been, wants to be and will return to being by neutralizing not only this immediate threat, but the threat of the entire Globalist takeover
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