You could think some more about the gap, the various gaps in your life now, and the much bigger gaps long ago.
Instead you decide to turn to Can’t Cross the Gap.
You hold your breath a bit as you come to the page. It’s been years - decades - since you’ve thought much about those gaps.
between the feeling and the fact
between the longing and the act
a gapI stand at the edge
between this side and that
between the urge and turning back
I stand at the edge
of the gapI stand at the edge
held back
by the gapI stand at the edge
airplane door open
parachute strapped on
ready to plunge
but trapped
can't cross the edge the gapI stand on a ledge
mountain peaks high
sheer rock straight down
I don't look down
can't go forward or back
You remember gaps like that. Not about ideas. No fear around ideas. Or not so much, anyway. Though even about ideas, you’ve done lots of tiptoeing. It’s sometimes felt like crossing Niagara Falls on a tightrope swaying not far above the falls, barely balancing. And when across, looking back and asking yourself, how to present to students so they come along, one idea leading to the next?
You’ve built bridges for students - light structures, like those swaying hanging bridges built in jungles over deep chasms.
That has been a quiet adventure.
So you know there are ways across gaps - some gaps anyway.
As for the other gaps . . .
I stand at the edge
look down
it's a sidewalk
the light changes
I still hold backI stand at the edge
aching to reach
past the gap
but can't cross that
can't cross
from feeling to fact
from thought to act
can't cross that
too deep
too wide
too high
a chasm
an abyss
a canyon
a crack
can't cross that
can't cross the gap
I stand at the edge
I act in my head
hold still in dread
of risking the gapbetween the feeling and the fact
between the longing and the act
a gap
You can’t remember a time when there was no gap between inside and outside. Easier not to speak.
But the gaps don’t hurt as they used to. Long ago, you felt . . . could it be agony? Something very uncomfortable, anyway.
Now there is more a feeling of silence.
I look down
it's just a crack
The gap is there but the longing is now a very small one.
The words on the page bring you back to old feelings.
I stand frozen
crick crack
don't cross the crack
don't go forward
don't go back
between the thought and the act
between the longing and the fact
a gap
I stand at the edge
I act in my head
I hold still instead
of risking the gap
I stand at the edge
I act in my head
between desire and dread
between the fiction and the real
the real and the ideal
the image and the act
the thought and the fact
the wish and the fear
the longing and the lack
at the gap
What is going on, you wonder. You close the book on your lap. MOMENTS. You remember noticing the used bookstore for the first time, looking at the displays in the large windows on each side of the old door with the sign hanging from the handle. OPEN. You turned the door, the door opened, you stepped inside. And now?
To be continued . . .
Posted Sept 19, 2024