THE MYSTERIOUS DOSSIER or: The day my faith in the rule of law was shaken. FROM DANIELA GOEKEN
A big thank you to the friend who came across this piece from Daniela Goeken and did a deepl translation into English. Daniela has been doing detailed personal accounts of Reiner’s trial from the beginning and I have been posting her pieces.
The mysterious dossier
The day my faith in the rule of law was shakenReport and personal thoughts on the court hearing of Dr. Reiner Füllmich on 2 and 3 April 2024 in Göttingen
from Daniela Göken
"This development is particularly helpful in my criminal proceedings because a secret dossier from the secret services and the BKA has now emerged, which proves that the criminal proceedings against me were staged from start to finish to get me out of circulation....
“How was it possible for the public prosecutor to accept the obviously outrageous accusations in the indictment, according to which the plaintiffs felt threatened by me with a Winchester, among other things, and how was it possible that they did not check this, but simply believed it? Quite simply: the dossier we have now received from the BKA and other services clearly states that because of my judicial and public commitment to democracy, the rule of law and freedom of opinion and to the protection of these values from destruction by private corporations and organizations, I am seen by parts of the services as a danger to democracy, so something had to be constructed to ensure that I would not be able to hold political office. My private environment was to be infiltrated and spied on. This was obviously done by hiring one of the three Berlin lawyers who filed the complaint as an IM via an informant of the services and creating the desired situation with the other two lawyers, so that one of the lawyers, the one who in my opinion was most obviously completely off the rails, constructed the criminal complaint against me."
Reiner Füllmich in a statement dated April 5, 2024
"We have just taken note of how Reiner Füllmich has been deliberately dismantled. He should be ineligible for political office, which should be brought about by constitutional means or constructs. Yes, I think the dossier is genuine, if only because I have read enough Stasi files to know how this is done and what wording is used."
from the letter of resignation from Katrin Schulze
(former Vice President of the Federal Arbitration Court of the party "Die Basis")How quickly everything can change! The fact is: since the 9th day of the trial, the "puzzling case of Reiner Füllmich", as I have called it, is no longer quite so puzzling! But I want to report from the beginning:
Now the time has finally come, I thought to myself as I set off on my usual journey to Göttingen early in the morning. My latest report would finally have the title "It's getting brighter.” I was very hopeful, because on that day, I believed, the witnesses would finally have their say, who had experienced the story broadly as the defendant had told it to us countless times. We would no longer have to listen to endless, evasive answers, but sensible questions would be followed by sensible and easy to understand, not too long answers. At the end of the day, everyone would be able to go home satisfied, with the feeling that something had been achieved and with the justified hope that the accused could be released very soon.
But this time, too, it quickly became apparent that fate had other plans and that this day would not turn out the way I had imagined in the morning. This time, however, it was the other way around: on the whole, the hearings BEFORE Easter did not produce any new findings, the light outside and inside was apparently not yet strong enough. On this day, however, the first day of the trial AFTER Easter, there was a sudden, almost lightning-like illumination.
April 2, 2024, Göttingen District Court: This time everything is a little different. There are no people waiting in front of the usual entrance. Instead, there is quite a large crowd in front of another entrance. I'm lucky: I'm one of the last people to be let in. Another courtroom is being used that day, which has a few more seats. The big disadvantage of this courtroom, however, is that there is a high glass wall between the trial area and the spectators' seats, so the voices of the trialists have to be transmitted via a loudspeaker system. The judge, who speaks the opening words, is almost impossible to understand as he does not speak into his microphone. The others seem to make more of an effort so that they can be heard better.
The only person I have no problem understanding on this day is the defendant. And that's a good thing, a very good thing, because what he has to say later in a statement changes everything, changes everything from the ground up. But it starts quite harmlessly:
The defense lawyer Dr. Miseré begins by reading out a document he calls "Dossier Reiner Füllmich":
"Reiner Fuellmich, co-chairman and candidate for chancellor of the "dieBa- sis" party, is a German lawyer who has become known in particular for his involvement in various legal disputes and his public statements on various issues, including the measures and political decisions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. His views and legal activities have attracted both national and international attention and are the subject of controversy.
Professional career:
Reiner Fuellmich began his legal career after graduating from law school. He is admitted to the bar in Germany and in California, USA. Over many years, he has specialized in various areas of civil law and has been involved in several legal disputes, some of which have attracted considerable media attention."
A whole host of other points are covered:
Engagement against banks and corporations, COVID-19 pandemic, Corona investigation committee, Legal activities and lawsuits, Public and professional reception, Consumer protection and class actions, Diesel scandal, International legal practice, Public lectures and publications, Criticism and controversies
Well, it's very nice that someone acknowledges the merits of the accused for once, I think, but we already know all that! What does that have to do with the prosecution? I'm here to hear the witnesses who can and want to say something for the defense!
Miseré continues to read steadfastly. Two file notes follow, in which the criminal proceedings against Reiner Füllmich are described in detail. Of course, this is nothing new to me, any more than it is to the court. I start to feel a little resentful and even begin to feel a little bored, but not for very long, because then I suddenly sit up and take notice. Then something so interesting comes up that I have to reproduce it here in full:
Report and recommendations for action regarding Reiner Fuellmich
Date: August 24, 2021
Author: B**
Subject: Comprehensive analysis and recommendations for dealing with Reiner Fuellmich
The B** has conducted a thorough investigation into the activities of Reiner Fuellmich, a person who is increasingly perceived as a potential threat to public security and the democratic order of the Federal Republic of Germany. Due to his public statements, political ambitions and the mobilization of a significant following, a detailed assessment of his actions and the resulting influence on the social climate is necessary.
Facts of the case:
Through his role, Reiner Fuellmich has created a platform that could enable him to exert far-reaching influence on political and social opinion. His messages, which often have anti-democratic tendencies and could incite unrest, require an adequate and tough response from the security authorities
Advanced analysis:
There are serious concerns that Reiner Fuellmich's efforts to influence political processes or gain prominent political office could undermine the foundations of our democratic society. His activities are not only to be classified as potentially illegal, but also pose a threat to internal security. The awarding of or the possibility of obtaining politically exposed offices must be prevented by all means within the rule of law.
• Intensification of monitoring:
The recruitment and involvement of trusted persons from Reiner Fuellmich's closest environment is recommended. This should serve to gain a deeper insight into planned activities, structures of supporters and potential threat scenarios.
• Political incompatibility and legal steps: Declaration of incompatibility: An analysis should be carried out to determine the
The possibility of a declaration of incompatibility, which Reiner Fuellmich
Prohibited from holding political office due to proven anti-democratic tendencies.
• Criminal procedural measures:
The initiation of criminal proceedings on the basis of the evidence collected against Reiner Fuellmich must be prepared. This includes cooperating with public prosecutors and preparing charges in the event of demonstrable violations of the law. Any necessary constructions must be weighed up and suitable third parties recruited.
• Public communication and prevention: educational work:
Developing a strategy to educate the public about the risks and negative effects of Reiner Fuellmich's actions is essential. The aim is to raise awareness and counteract disinformation.
Preventive measures:
The promotion of extremism prevention programmes aimed at Reiner Fuellmich's supporters and cooperation with civil society organizations are important steps to limit his influence.
Reiner Fuellmich's activities represent a complex challenge for the security authorities that requires a coordinated and multi-layered response. The implementation of the recommended measures should help to prevent his political viability and protect the security and democratic values of the Federal Republic of Germany.
I sit frozen and can't believe what I've just heard. The person sitting next to me, who, as she had told me, grew up in the GDR, spontaneously exclaims: "That's Stasi 2.0!"
Even if what I've just heard doesn't actually give me any cause for particular joy, my mood immediately lifts. The thought immediately occurs to me: this is THE proof of what I have been trying to explain from the very beginning, in my very first report: It IS a conspiracy, it IS a staging with the sole purpose of preventing the defendant's work and, in the end, taking him completely out of circulation!
I have even more reason to be happy when the defendant reads out his statement on the dossier. As is his way, he doesn't mince his words. He describes exactly how the secret services carried out their plan, which we now know, in very practical terms. He mentions the name of a person who apparently acted as an informant, i.e. who led the entire "operation" against the accused. He also mentions the names of people who helped this informer and practically acted as "IM" (in the GDR formerly: "unofficial collaborators"). The latter sneaked into Reiner Füllmich's immediate environment as confidants in order to obtain the information needed to initiate criminal proceedings. However, these people not only worked as informants, they even went so far as to commit crimes themselves, e.g. stealing money from the accused so that he would then find himself in the unpleasant position of not being able to repay his loan. At that moment, the plan worked: The charge of embezzlement could be set in motion. All that remained was to find a public prosecutor who would play along. The second attempt worked. And so we now see the very young, very inexperienced-looking public prosecutor John sitting here, who is obviously not at all comfortable with the whole affair.
At the end of his statement, the defendant goes all out. What other choice does he have? He cannot now naively ask the court whether it is involved in the secret plan. The only option he has is to try to uncover the conspiracy and make the whole matter known to as much of the public as possible. And: whether the court is involved or not, it is unlikely to apologize now for the inconvenience the defendant has had and set him free! However, the judges cannot now make excuses and say that the dossier is not genuine. A court should be able to find out whether such a document exists in the secret services or not. If the judges don't do any research now, it actually means that they have known about the dossier for a long time.
The defendant is now appealing to the Göttingen judiciary to deal with the matter. If they do not take action, the Lower Saxony judiciary would be responsible, then the federal judiciary and, if they do not feel responsible either, the international judiciary. The last sentence of the statement is etched in my memory: "This Augean stable must now be cleaned out!"
Note: I knew roughly what was meant, but I didn't know this expression. That's why I looked it up on the Internet, and because it's so important for understanding it, I'm reproducing the explanation here:
The saying has its origins in Greek mythology. King Augias had an enormous cattle shed with 3,000 cattle whose dung had not been cleaned out for 30 years. The Greek hero Hercules (son of the god Zeus) accomplished the giant cleansing in one day by tearing two openings in the stable walls and uniting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus and channeling them through. These thoroughly washed away the filth.
When we have to complete an unpleasant task or clean up a very large mess that has arisen through long neglect, we also say "clean out the Augean stables".
The phrase is also used when it comes to uncovering corruption or eliminating bad conditions.
Yes, that fits perfectly! This is definitely about uncovering corruption and eliminating very, very bad conditions! The comparison with the crap that 3,000 cattle make in 30 years is certainly not exaggerated!
But back to the courtroom: Miseré now requests that the trial be adjourned until the next day so that the defense has the opportunity to file criminal charges against prosecutor John. The court retires to deliberate.
During the short break that ensues, I talk to another member of the audience about the defendant's statement. "Well, THIS (I mean the planned mucking out of the Augean stables) is even worth the pre-trial detention, isn't it?" I ask enthusiastically. The person I'm talking to doesn't quite agree with me. But I don't want my good mood to be destroyed. The defendant's words have really given me hope, and now that I have been able to observe Reiner Füllmich's way of working for a while, I know that he will do everything in his power to fulfill his promise.
After a short time, the court reappears and announces that the hearing will continue as planned, as the witness Antonia Fischer has traveled from Berlin especially for it.
I am very disappointed. In my opinion, the process should be interrupted at this point, and before it can continue in any way, the court should first clarify the following questions: 1. is the dossier genuine? - And, if so, which persons are involved and in what way? Without clarification of these questions, the whole process no longer makes sense and it becomes increasingly obvious that we are witnessing a staging, a play.
As if nothing at all unusual had happened that morning, the witness Antonia Fischer, who also "purely coincidentally" happens to be the third complainant, takes her place in the witness chair. And then the same old story, which we have now heard several times, from different people, in different ways, is told all over again. This takes up the rest of the trial day and even the next day.
The interrogation by the defendant becomes exciting once again when he uses clever questions to "tease" statements out of the witness that make us all cringe in horror. An example: Defendant: "So you just wanted to put me in jail?" The answer is a simple, ice-cold one:
By and large, however, Antonia Fischer tells the same story that Justus Hoffmann and Viviane Fischer have told before her, only in a much more hardened and heartless way. Despite her apparent callousness and aloofness, the witness ends up making exactly the same pathetic and helpless impression that Justus Hoffmann did. The accused asks her a series of questions, almost like a not particularly gifted pupil, which she is clearly unable to answer.
After these two days of hearings shortly after Easter, one of which was so eventful, many thoughts are running through my head. Who of all those involved, I keep asking myself, is involved in the conspiracy and who is "just" a "normal person", a person who may have their weaknesses and faults, but who didn't have the goal of taking the accused completely out of circulation?
Through the dossier we only know THAT the whole story was set up by the secret services. But we still don't know exactly HOW it was set up and WHO all helped. So we don't know exactly who the "suitable third parties" mentioned in the dossier are, we don't know who in the accused's closest circle could be convinced that it might be "good" and "advantageous" in some way to play along with the story.
But wait: we don't know all this if we have only read the dossier. However, if we have followed the court hearings closely and, above all, if we have listened carefully to the extremely skillful questioning by the defendant, then a few things should have become clear to us. All the witnesses who have been questioned so far did not come across as if they were telling a story that they had experienced in exactly the same way, but rather as if they were telling a modified story that they had made up beforehand. The witnesses' phrasing was constantly repetitive, they always used the same words, seemed very insecure and were easily flustered. The defense could come up with as much evidence as they wanted, but the witnesses never gave in. They were all constantly evasive when put on the spot and told stories that were far-fetched and of no real interest to anyone. For all these reasons, the interrogations were very tough and lasted an extremely long time, which often made them unbearable for the listeners.
Now let's imagine what it would have been like if the process would have proceeded "normally". Imagine if the defendant was not an experienced lawyer who is extremely skilled at questioning witnesses. Imagine there were no supporters in the courtroom who took the trouble to tell the public exactly what was happening behind the closed doors of the courtroom. Imagine if the defendant was less well known and did not have such a large number of supporters around the world who are deeply grateful for the important work he has done during the corona crisis. And then let's imagine that the mysterious dossier had not surfaced... I firmly believe that things would look pretty bad for the defendant now. All the witnesses who have appeared so far have made highly incriminating statements! A conviction, even a prison sentence of several years, could have been expected. And of course that was exactly the plan!
I have to say that the people who drew up this plan were very thorough. They made sure several times over that everything went exactly as it should and as it was announced in the dossier. But "unfortunately" a few things happened that the creators of the plan didn't take into account. And that's a good thing! We can see from all the "coincidences" that were very favorable to the defendant: It's not just the "other side" that has a plan, the good forces can also make plans. However, I like THESE plans much better, and all truth-loving and compassionate "real" people certainly do too!
I would like to say something else to all those people who do not believe the dossier to be genuine: The contents of this document are no surprise at all to anyone who has followed the whole story, not in the slightest! Everyone who honestly supports Reiner Füllmich and who has watched his video messages has long suspected that there is a plan here, a plan to eliminate him and prevent his further work. However, finding out more about the methods used here was shocking, at least for me. But maybe I just haven't watched enough movies and maybe my "negative imagination" just isn't enough to imagine such vicious things...
Strangely enough, there is one person who seems to be firmly convinced that the dossier that has emerged cannot possibly be genuine. This is someone who, together with experts, has plumbed the depths of our so-called "constitutional state" in around 200 meetings lasting several hours and who is surely only too well aware that there are some extensive swamps that urgently need to be drained. This "someone" is the lawyer and economist Viviane Fischer, who is only too well known in this process and who without further ado sent a letter to the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Intelligence Service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony, asking them to tell her whether the dossier was genuine.
The idea was for the intelligence services to disclose their "secret" information and tell the public which "secret" operations they had planned, which they had carried out, exactly how they had carried them out and who all was involved (probably with names, addresses and telephone numbers). A brilliant idea, I thought! I spontaneously wrote the following letter:
Dear Ms. Viviane Fischer, it was with great pleasure and approval that I read your press inquiry to the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Intelligence Service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony. While you're at it: I have further urgent questions for the secret services. Would you be so kind as to submit them for me? You seem to have a very good connection to these authorities, a connection that we normal citizens do not have for unknown reasons. That is why some important matters have unfortunately not been cleared up for decades. The secret services normally make their information available to the public only very sparingly. Perhaps you, Ms. Fischer, could initiate a turnaround now! I believe that the majority of mankind would owe you an immeasurable debt of gratitude!
But joking aside! For me, this strange, implausible behavior by Ms. Fischer raises many questions. Is she really so naive as to believe that the secret services would give her information or does this action have some other purpose? As I wrote above: "Who of all those involved, I keep asking myself, is involved in the conspiracy and who is "just" a "normal person", a person who may have their weaknesses and faults, but who did not have the goal of taking the accused completely out of circulation?"
Reiner Füllmich was actually supposed to be silenced by his imprisonment and the criminal proceedings. But this shot has apparently backfired. A person like him will not miss the opportunity to use this "opportunity" to shine a light into even deeper layers of this corrupt system and uncover even more monstrosities. But I'll let him have his own say. Shortly after the events described, we received the following message:
"Dear friends, this is a short but hopeful message in several respects. It consists of three parts. If you are interested, you can read my somewhat longer written statement presented in court to the effect that we now have official proof that the criminal proceedings against me were constructed to keep me out of circulation for as long as possible.
Of course I have always enjoyed your letters, because they have kept me afloat. But what is happening here now, and I am firmly convinced that it is being driven by a surge of positive energy that is intangible to me, but nevertheless immediately noticeable, which you are conveying with your letters, but also with the vigils outside the prison and the many visitors at the hearings, is simply incredible. As a rational lawyer, I would have thought a few years ago that I was imagining things, but that simply cannot be the case.
I've never been under such pressure in my life: six months in a high-security prison in Rosdorf, which, according to "experienced" prisoners is characterized by the fact that here, unlike in all other prisons in Lower Saxony, but probably also in the whole of Germany, everything is done to humiliate the prisoners as much as possible and to make them feel powerless.
I have maybe 5% of my defense capability left here. I have no computer access, no access to files. I can't talk to the witnesses we want to call, as is usually the case. Nevertheless, I go into every court hearing wide awake and focused and it feels almost as if I'm dressed in some kind of knight's armor of energy and have a sword of indestructible energy in my hand. This impression has become stronger and stronger over the last few days. Apparently the energy field they express has become stronger and stronger, to put it this way. It works and I can hardly express in words how grateful I am to you all! No money in the world can buy something like this, just as no money in the world could buy me the love of my wife, of whom I am immensely proud. But enough of the emotional spirituality that is perhaps inappropriate for a lawyer. Nevertheless, I hope that this message will also give you cause for optimism. In fact, I know that this is the case, because I know who I'm talking to!
As I have already mentioned, the outstanding journalist Paul Schreyer has managed to uncover previously secret documents from the RKI that prove that corona was not a pandemic, but a staged pandemic. Given the simultaneity of this plan- demic build-up, there is every indication that it happened in the same way worldwide. Key people were infiltrated into key positions everywhere.
However, this article by Paul Schreyer did not get stuck in the alternative media, but made it into the mainstream media, which could no longer ignore it because more and more people want to know the truth, partly out of their own concern. And now Corona is to be officially dealt with in Germany. But that's exactly what I did for three years, first with the Corona Committee and then with ICIC.
This development is particularly helpful in my criminal proceedings because a secret dossier from the secret services and the BKA has now emerged, which proves that the criminal proceedings against me were orchestrated from start to finish to get me out of circulation. One of the most respected German professors of criminal law has already confirmed that the criminal proceedings have no basis. Although he does not want to be named, he wrote to us that it is of course not a breach of our duty to look after our assets if we wanted to temporarily protect part of the donations from the imminent seizure of our donation account, especially as this was also in the interests of the donors. According to established case law, the only decisive factor in such a situation is that we were willing and able to repay the loan, and even the court now assumes that we were.
Incidentally, an experienced senior public prosecutor, who was aware of all the relevant circumstances here, including the loans, had already refused to start a criminal investigation at all less than two years ago and ordered that the file presented to her be put away. So how did it come about that less than two years later, on the basis of a criminal complaint that any layperson, and even more so any lawyer, would immediately recognize as querulous and unprofessional, charges were nevertheless brought and I was abducted from Mexico by the prosecutor bringing the charges with the help of the complainants working closely with him, only to be arrested at Frankfurt airport?
How could it come to this, that the public prosecutor did not check the obviously outrageous accusations in the indictment, according to which the plaintiffs saw themselves threatened by me with a Winchester, among other things, and how did it come to this, that they did not check this, but simply believed it? Quite simply: the dossier we have now received from the BKA and others
Services clearly states that because of my judicial and public commitment to democracy, the rule of law and freedom of opinion and to the protection of these values from destruction by private corporations and organizations, I am seen by parts of the services as a danger to democracy, so something has to be constructed to ensure that I cannot hold political office. My private environment was to be infiltrated and spied on. This was obviously done by hiring one of the three Berlin lawyers filing the complaint as an IM via an informant of the services, who created the desired situation with the other two lawyers, so that one of the lawyers, the one who in my opinion was most obviously completely off the rails, constructed the criminal complaint against me.
The fact that the criminal complaint was accepted, by someone who did not realize that obvious difficulties with the German language alone characterized the criminal complaint, was ultimately part of the plan. It is astonishing that such nonsense should lead to charges being brought at all, because it should be noted: less than two years ago, knowing all the circumstances, the opening of a criminal investigation was rejected by someone who is experienced, because according to the dossier, it was ensured that this obvious nonsense would not be immediately exposed as nonsense and put away by the senior public prosecutor who had already dealt with the facts once, and for this purpose, as can be seen from the dossier, which also fits in with all the facts we can then see outside, a completely inexperienced public prosecutor from Hanover was transferred to Göttingen, who intercepted this criminal complaint and took it with him and then used it to prepare another completely erroneous indictment. If he had given us a legal hearing against the massive wishes, almost blackmail, of the complainants who were working very closely with him, then what would have come out is what has just come out during the interrogation of one of the complainants:
1. me as managing director, as well as my former co-host Viviane Fischer and the others as managing directors, were able to act completely alone and without the involvement of the other managing directors or shareholders. That makes even more sense here, because we had a dangerous situation and two of the shareholders and managing directors were not interested in anything.
2. The fact that I took out the loan, which, mind you, was openly disclosed, with the intention of never repaying it is a free invention of the complainants, not substantiated by anything. If the public prosecutor had worked properly, he could have found that out if he had been investigating at the time. But he didn't. Instead of giving us a fair hearing, as he was obliged to do, he secretly investigated for a year and three months. But that's the two central stakes
The entire indictment is based on this, on the belief that we, me and Viviane, should not have acted alone and on the belief that I and probably Viviane too, who was also charged in between, had not intended to repay the loan from the beginning. That's what the indictment says, those are the cornerstones and they've now been destroyed. Under the circumstances, the granting of the loan was not a breach of duty, the law professor, who does not wish to be named, is absolutely right and that is also what the textbooks and commentaries say.
This dossier has suddenly made it clear why the public prosecutor has acted so incompetently and, above all, why he has done absolutely nothing so far to investigate what we consider to be an urgent suspicion of wrongdoing against the complainants, an urgent suspicion that these three complainants have obtained my money, the committee's money and my clients' money by means of blackmail and fraud. So why doesn't he at least seize the bank account in which, as he knows, the money is lying, or perhaps only parts of it are still lying, in order to at least secure what is still there?
It now looks as if the deal with the complainants was that they and the public prosecutor would take me out of circulation by abusing the criminal justice system and get my money, all the resources of the Corona Committee and my clients' money in return. And the deal with the public prosecutor's office is that he made all these mistakes in order to fulfill the services' mandate, and in return he may have been promised a career that he would never be able to achieve on his own. By mistakes I mean the kidnapping from Mexico, the denial of my right to be heard and the unchecked acceptance of the obvious lies of the complainants. So it wasn't professional inexperience, it was all obviously planned and happened on instructions. We don't know how clear and explicit they were, but ultimately it doesn't matter. I suspect that, as I said, he was promised a completely impossible career under normal circumstances in view of such "mistakes". There is more to report that is not just bordering on madness, but that will follow a little later. In any case, one thing is already certain from my point of view: the services did not expect their criminal enterprise to be overtaken by an unstoppable official investigation into the plandemic.
I can well understand that, for Daniela Goeken, on April 2 & 3, 2024, hearing the Dossier read aloud was part of a big turning point for her. Her faith in the rule of law, she assets was shaken.
Only shaken, I ask?
I note that she does not say it was broken,
And I realize that many of us are still doing what we can with the law, attempting to reach some semblance of justice.
Here is the address to write to Reiner:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects - not permitted,
nothing to be mentioned about the case - though now, according to the latest information, his mail is no longer scanned,
put your name of each page of the letter, just in case - though at present letters are no longer taken out of the envelops.
To donate, here is the link for donations for legal and other expenses:
20th day, Friday, July 19, 2024 (half day)
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Wednesday July 31, 2024
Tuesday August 6, 2024
Wednesday August 14, 2024
Previous trial days:
Day 01 Wednesday 31.01.2024
Day 02 Friday 02.02.2024
Day 03 Wednesday 07.02.2024
04th day Tuesday 27.02.2024 instead of Wednesday 14.02.2024
05th day Friday 01.03.2024 instead of Tuesday 20.02.2024
06th day Tuesday 05.03.2024 instead of Friday 23.02.2024
07th day Friday 08.03.2024
08th day Tuesday 12.03.2024
09th day Tuesday 02.04.2024
10th day Wednesday 03.03.2024
11th day Friday 19.03.2024
12th day Wednesday 24.03.2024
13th day Friday 03.05.2024
14th day Tuesday 07.03.2024
15th day Friday 17.05.2024
16th day Monday, June 10, 2024
17th day Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - cancelled due to KW’s illness
supposed to be the 18th day: Thursday, June 20, 2024 - not as scheduled due to non-appearance of both of Reiner’s lawyers
18th day - Wednesday, July 10, 2024
19th day, Friday, July 12, 2024 (half day)
7 trial days so far on a Friday = half a trial day (until noon)
Posted July 18, 2024
Thank you for your work posting these updates. Blessings!
God is in control and He hears our prayers
You are in my Rosary every night
Stay strong