Ok, this isn’t your standard Merry Christmas Happy Hanukah (etc) post. You can find lots of those elsewhere. And yesterday I posted a dream of freedom for Reiner. But right now . . .
If your blood hasn’t boiled lately, and you’d like it to, here’s a great video for you. Lies and more lies. Sugarcane:
a new documentary, Sugarcane, that omits vital facts to turn two true stories into lies. It is a fake crime story that blood libels Canada, Canadians and Roman Catholics.
Here’s what’s presented:
The lies:
“The documentary’s furious emotional center is the disclosure of Ed’s secretive birth at the St. Joseph’s Mission residential school, where he was subsequently abused, to a mother who was raped by a priest. Only the chance discovery of the newborn by a milkman saved him from the infanticide that befell other such unwanted babies.”
Here’s the reality:
The facts:
Ed’s birth was not a secret, it was announced in the newspaper.
He didn’t attend a residential school, he went to Indian day school and public school.
His father wasn’t a priest. It was Ray Peters, a native who fathered seven other children with his mother and fathered nine children with five other women.
Ed’s mother put baby Ed in the garbage burner and there is ‘no’ evidence of any baby being put in an incinerator at St. Joseph’s.
The list of lies and facts is from Action4Canada:
The lies tell another story: . .
Sugarcane - National Geographic Documentary Films
A stunning tribute to the resilience of Native people and their way of life, SUGARCANE, the debut feature documentary from Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie, is an epic cinematic portrait of a community during a moment of international reckoning. In 2021, evidence of unmarked graves was discovered on the grounds of an Indian residential school run by the Catholic Church in Canada…
That’s the fiction. But as has been documented over and over in the alternative media, no evidence has ever been discovered.
The video is a standard hit piece, drawing on and furthering the narrative of evil whites, evil colonialists, good aboriginals. And so the film has raked up lots of awards. Small wonder:
After viewing Sugarcane it is no wonder that film reviewers consistently agree that this is a story about genocide and the horrors of Indian Residential Schools, never questioning the family back story that makes it not one of institutional infanticide, but one of families drenching in alcohol and its related dysfunctions.
Though “Sugarcane” presents the case that all the on-reserve dysfunction is the outcome of Indian Residential Schools, the fact is that only one third of eligible students ever attended Indian Residential Schools and in the pre-World War II period, most student graduates found careers and work; many became the Indigenous leaders who created economic opportunities for their reserves.
Action4Canada’s excerpts from a Substack article by Michelle Stirling
BUT THERE’S MORE, WHICH MAKES MATTERS EVEN WORSE. The bad whites narrative is linked to billions given, and more billions to be given, to aboriginals.
And it’s linked to a whole powerful movement against human rights and freedoms.
I have just looked at one drop of the ocean.
Here’s a powerful overview:
I do wish us a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and whatever other holidaying you may be celebrating. Maybe we need to take a break for a few days. But I am very aware that there is so very much to do. On the other hand, we are many, and the truth is on our side.
PS. If you want the lies, here’s where to go:
If you want truth:
Posted Dec 25, 2024
Elsa, This tactic is a United Nations Technocratic Communist Marxist Takeover of the West.
It was a tactic created in the halls of the British Freemasons under guidance of the British Monarchy for the rest of the monarchies who still exist. They just have different clothes on like the Club of Rome for example. (Maurice Strong as the picture of Global Horses shows and in feint cursive spells out his name )
You will know of the so-called evil of "Apartheid" which was nothing more that what you are seeing here. It was successfully applied by the British Monarchy against the Afrikaners in South Africa as well as the Whites in Rhodesia now called Zimbabwe. It is retribution in that case where the Afrikaner was a target because he spoke a form of Dutch & Flemish was the convenient scapegoat. It was retribution for the 4th Anglo-Dutch War and the Huguenots and the Dutch Flemish who tried to escape the persecution of them and their religious beliefs. Because of the success it is being applied to many countries including all the commonwealth countries
The very same tactic that is now being applied to Canada is also playing out in Australia.
The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. It is the aim is to make the entire world a serf class in the name of equity. ‘Equity’ Is a Communist Tactic that Destroys Nations.
Off course religion is used as it is very emotional subject and can be twisted as required. The blood libel was also used against Israel and the Jews very successfully. It has always been the case.
The UN want a one world religion and a one world government. Environmentalism is also another pony trick. Remember the Club of Rome's declaration "The First Global Revolution,” they declared:
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
Your on Track Lady ! T’s and Happiest