MY RESPONSE: SHAME ON YOU! Doctors who uphold the narrative about “safe and effective” shots, I would hang my head in shame. Plus, URGENT TO SEE AND ACT AGAINST WHAT IS BEHIND THIS, THE MONSTER UN.
I have heard so many people shake their heads in disbelief: How did people ever go along with Hitler, with the Nazis!!! Well, for one thing, it was pretty dangerous to go against the Nazi regime - way more dangerous than going against the Western regimes and the covid policies (which can already be quite dangerous!). Yet look around and see: most people not only went along, but bought the lies about a not-so-dangerous supposed virus (which was supposed to be horrifically dangerous) and a not-safe-not-effective not-vaccine (which was touted as safe and effective).
But that’s not what this is about.
Here’s my response, my opinion, my evaluation from all the evidence I have searched out on the people, especially the doctors, who were supposed to be helping people:
SHAME ON YOU! Doctors who uphold the false narrative about “safe and effective” shots. Or who wait for large-scale double-blind studies. I would hang my head in shame. Everyone who does not search out face the truths they find, and who does not speak out with these truths. SHAME ON YOU!!
I go a step further to what is behind what has happened, and come to the UN (which is behind what everyone sees, the WHO, a pimple on the butt of the UN). And again, I say shame on you to everyone who continues to ignore the danger. It’s our responsibility to get information about the massively dangerous UN. And right now, we have the chance to take an easy action against the UN. I’ll come to that.
The trigger for this outcry was a post from a doctor otherwise in favor of all kinds of good practices. I had no idea he was for the shots - but then I found out that he is, that he has had 5 shots, and that he will only look at large-scale studies published in certain select medical journals he considers reliable - nothing else. He will not in other words look at the masses of evidence that shows they are anything but safe and effective.
I imagine him, as covid was just starting, being the doctor of a patient coming in with serious symptoms. Nothing to do, obviously. No large-scale studies had been done. Go home and see what happens. Or go to a hospital where, pretty soon, they were prescribing remdesivir (from all the studies I have seen, causing frequent kidney damage and sometimes widespread organ damage and failure) and intubation (from all the evidence I have come across, frequently having the outcome of death).
Imagine instead being the patient of Dr Vladimir Zelenko. When the first patients came with symptoms of covid, he went online, did research, found a couple of protocols from doctors using drugs that had long been around, like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Each of these small scale studies showed that the protocol had some beneficial effect. He combined 2 treatments, prescribed them for his patients who were most at risk (over 60 and/or with co-morbidities) and found the combination was very effective. After treating almost 400 high-risk patients, he had zero deaths, 4 hospitalizations but only for oxygen, no intubations.
I heard about Dr Zelenko in early April 2020. By then he had treated almost 700 patients, with no deaths.
He was the first doctor I heard of who found an effective treatment.
My first response: that’s it, all this pandemic stuff is over, celebration.
The outcome, as we know, was not applause and awards.
Just think of the case of Reiner Fuellmich, a major voice in exposing the scam-plandemic, with the Corona Committee and the Grand Jury. Just think of his imprisonment for 11 months now and the trial with its many violations of the law.
Now, here is a list of Canadian doctors who have been persecuted for prescribing Ivermectin for treating covid-19 (or very similar covid “crimes”). Note: over and over most patients quickly got better.
Saskatchewan - Dr. Tshipita Kabongo - June 17, 2024 - suspended for 1 month, with $44,780 penalty (the largest penalty ever issued for prescribing Ivermectin, in the world)
Ontario - Jeremiah Hadwen - June 20, 2024 - suspended for 8 months, with $8000 penalty and re-education training ordered, for prescribing Ivermectin
Ontario - Dr. Crystal Luchkiw - license suspended Jan.27, 2024, $28,370 penalty
Ontario - Dr. Mark Trozzi - license revoked Jan.25, 2024, $94,960 penalty
Ontario - Dr. Ira Bernstein - license suspended Aug.26, 2023, re-education ordered
Ontario - Dr. Patrick Phillips - license revoked Jun.6, 2023, $6000 penalty
Ontario - Dr. Miklos Matyas - Feb.27, 2023 re-education ordered for this surgeon
Ontario - Dr. Mary O’Connor - resigned Feb.4, 2023, was under investigation
MB - Dr. Christopher Hilton Hassell - Nov.15, 2022 - $6000 penalty, resigned
MB - Dr. Wilhelmus Grobler, Jul.16, 2022, $6165 fine, censured, re-education
BC - Dr. Stephen Malthouse - license suspended Mar.28, 2022
Ontario - Dr. Rochagne Killian - license suspended Oct.27, 2021
Ontario - Dr. Chris Shoemaker - suspended Jan.6, 2023, complaint ongoing, Hearing in July 2024
BC - Dr. Charles Hoffe - complaint ongoing May 31, 2024, hearing delayed
BC - Dr. Daniel Nagase - complaint ongoing (hearing delayed)
AB - Dr. Roger Hodkinson - complaint ongoing, Hearing delayed in May 2024
AB - Dr. Eric Payne - complaints ongoing
Ontario - Dr. Kulviner Kaur Gill - Feb.3, 2021 complaint ongoing
I apologize if I missed anyone, there are certainly more physician victims.
Here's another doctor unjustly suspended, to add to the list:
Ontario College of Physicians suspends rural family doctor for 'inappropriate' COVID-19 treatments, advice
Ontario - Casey Stranges · posted May 03, 2022 3:33 PM PDT | Last Updated: May 3, 2022
The list is from Dr Makis
Most of the names can be found here:
More here:
Congratulations to all who have spoken out and done what they could to spread the truth and health - like millions of individuals, like all these doctors, like amazing researchers, like Reiner Fuellmich and the Grand Jury.
Again, here’s my response, my opinion, my evaluation from all the evidence I have sought out:
SHAME ON YOU! Doctors who uphold the false narrative about “safe and effective” shots. Who continue to give shots. Who wait for large-scale double-blind studies. Who follow orders instead of doing their own research. I would hang my head in shame. Everyone who does not search out and face the truth, who does not use the truths they find, and speak out about the truths they find, SHAME ON YOU!
In my opinion, you have helped unleash horror on the world.
This also means, it is urgent to face the dangers of the monstrous UN, which is behind all this (through a sub-part, the WHO). And it is urgent to take the very easy steps set up by Dr Rima Laibow and her team at The US has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leave the monster UN - if enough people take action within the next 2 weeks and contact the appropriate government officials with easy-to-send emails and phone calls. (Yes, you would actually have to make those.)
(Note: on the site is another emergency call to action, about Canada.)
So if you have not done this, whatever country you live in, please go to and take action. Also share. The goal is 10 million emails.
Back to the mRNA “vaccines.” Here is just one recent video, Dr Chris Shoemaker interviewed by Jason Lavigne, on damage caused by the shots. The studies are highly scientific.
For example, Dr Shoemaker reports on a recent study in which 100% of the 700 “vaccinated” people had hearts showing they were running on glucose, which a healthy heart should not be running on, because they were working, on average, about 45% harder than the hearts of unvaccinated people.
Look at the scan results below. On the left, the scans of 2 unvaccinated people (no mRNA injections), whose hearts are barely visible, as they are running normally. On the right, the scans of 2 “vaccinated” people (mRNA injections), from 6-8 months after an mRNA injection, with their hearts visible as the hearts are running on glucose, which makes them visible.
Note that all 4 brains are visible, as the brain always runs on glucose.
PLEASE WATCH. For me, it is DYNAMITE. (Also please watch to get the scientific terminology.)
From what I can see, we have here a great explanation for why “died suddenly” has become, from all I have been seeing, a common cause of death among the injected, why myocarditis rates have soared enormously among the injected, etc.
There are so many studies coming out.
Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’
Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.
He pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general,
Paper showing COVID and flu vaccines do NOT reduce hospitalization was published today’
Congratulations to everyone doing this work.
And, again, SHAME ON YOU! Doctors who uphold the false narrative about “safe and effective” shots. SHAME ON YOU!
Also, everyone who does not look at and consider the many studies, who does not face the truth, including that the UN (through a sub-part, the WHO) is behind all this, and take what action they can, SHAME ON YOU!!
That brings me to a huge call to action to do what you can to spread awareness and get us out of the UN. Please take the very easy action of sending a ready-to-send email and also calling government officials. Here is the link:
Posted Sept 7, 2024
As for people still accusing Germans of going along with Hitler while having swallowed the cov. propaganda hook, line and sinker, I truly lack the words.
Instead of hoping for these corrupt or ignorant doctors - either of which shouldn't be allowed to touch a patient with a 10-foot pole - to hang their heads, I would go a step further, and drop "their heads" from the sentence.