I am adding my voice to other bigger voices. Please also add your voice. DO WHAT YOU CAN TO GET THE US OUT OF THE UN. GO TO PREVENTGENOCIDE2030.ORG FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS.
Day after day Rima’s message comes into my inbox.
And I ask myself. What more can I do? All I can think of is sending out other voices which get her her message further into the world.
Here’s a bigger voice, Peter Koenig posting on his Global Research, and also reposted on LewRockwell.com, plus just reposted by Rima:
Peter Koenig of Global Research published this story yesterday, September 19, 2024:
You can read it here: Surviving the UN Is Exiting the UN. Otherwise the Ways Are Charted Towards a Digital Gulag - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The story was picked up today, September 20, 2024, by LewRockwell.com,
You can read it here: Surviving the UN Is Exiting the UN. Otherwise the Ways Are Charted Towards a Digital Gulag - LewRockwell
Peter wrote the story including a presentation that I made at the request of the remarkable, much persecuted, and very brave, freedom fighting journalist Iurie Rosca (who may now be a political prisoner in Moldova, by the way, much like Reiner Fuellmich - anyone with news of him, please reach out to me ASAP). Iurie created the Chisiinau Forum, named for Moldova’s capital city, bringing together initernational experts in a great many diverse areas.
I was honored to be among them and spoke electronically at the Chisinau, Moldova Forum 25-26 May 2024 (12 September 2024). The video of that presentation is available in the article that Peter wrote, but you can also watch it here:RIMA ADDS:
I am making a personal request to each person reading this substack to spend some time each day over the next week sharing these articles with everyone you can reach and urging them to take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.
The very first step among the 6 steps of the Challenge is to send a letter to the Members of Congress who [are supposed to] represent you and your interests in Congress telling them that you urge passage of this vital bill in the strongest possible terms.
These two article appearances could not come at a better time as many, many other voices are taking up the cry that I have been shouting for about a year now pointing to the abhorrent and massive threats and dangers inherent in the Pact for the Future, Digital Compact and the Summit of the Future. So now, with that focus, if we let people know that there is a solution and that we in the US actually can get out of the UN Death Machine, we can rally the support needed to force Congress to protect us, regardless of who their other paymasters are.
It is, truly, a gift from on high that these high volume articles appeared now, on the very eve of the evil Summit of the Future.
Please use it with me to turn the tide and get the US, which, sadly, is where the heart of the globalist cabal, serving the destructionists through the UN Death Machine, lies. Get the US out of the UN and we strike a mighty blow against the globalist cabal. Get the UN out of the US and we have a chance to rebuild every aspect of our nation.
And we get one chance. Now.
Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take action now. Become part of the only meaningful solution that we have before we have no solutions at all.
I interviewed Rima in June. A song from childhood came to mind, about a ram which would not quit butting a dam. The last line: There goes another million kilowatt dam!!!
Rima is just as stubborn as that ram. And she needs to be. To get more and more of us to listen and act.
Her quest is much bigger and more important than that ram’s.
Her message, over and over:
Surviving the UN means exiting the UN. And the US has the chance to do that right now.
Here is Rima’s website:
Follow the instructions - for Americans, for Canadian, for everyone. This is one world. We need the end of the UN.
Posted Sept 21, 2024
Link won’t open.
Hi Elsa, the link you have in the top paragraph doesn't work, at least not with my search engine which is Brave.
This is why, it comes up as originating from your page: http://https//PREVENTGENOCIDE2030.COM?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
This link from the website itself does work: https://preventgenocide2030.org/all-actions I signed and sent the email, will call as well later today.
Great job bringing this to everyone's attention!