How do we get the word out? One way is interviews. A big thank you to Bob Biermann for getting the stories of Reiner Fuellmich and Ed Wackerman to his audience.
Here is the interview -
Political Prisoners, Scapegoats, and Tyrants:
And then, who is Bob Biermann? He’s been involved in radio going back to 1970, was retired in 2020, when he was asked to join a project to deal with something just starting - the pandemic. He said yes. Over a few months, he learned that the reality was a huge distance from what he had been led to expect. Over those months, in his area there were 52 deaths supposedly from covid, not the expected thousands.
He left that organization and started his own short-wave radio show which now has a reach across North America and into western Europe.
By now, he’s had this daily show for 4 years: Truth To Ponder. That word, truth - it pulls so many of us.
Posted Oct 31, 2024
Elsa, I hadn’t realized you were from Quebec. I was born in Montreal in 1951 but my folks and my maternal grandparents lived in Hudson Heights, Quebec on the banks of the Lake of Two Mountains at that time. Anyway, this was an excellent interview and so nice to know there are a number of podcasters like Bob Berman (I haven’t looked closely but that is not the same fellow from Woodstock, NY who is the astronomer is it? —I used to live there, too). Thank-you for your focus and getting these stories out and I appreciate your work and dedication. I wear so many hats over the years and feel so unfocused, at times, but carry on. Truth will conquer lies… it is a matter of Time.
Your suggestion to Bob Biermann, Elsa, that it is not just Ed and Reiner they are trying to kill, but all of us, although sounding conspiratorial by normal standards of the past, I believe is much closer to the truth than millions would seriously imagine.
Congratulations on securing the Bob Biermann interview. It is an excellent start!
Although it tells the story the whole world needs to hear, I fear too many of us do not have the attention span or the time to listen to all of it.
Folk these days are conditioned to tight presentations and time limits amongst the smorgasbord of choices arrayed before them, from which to choose to watch, unless, of course, a genius communicator of the calibre of Tucker Carlson is telling the story.
I am still working on him! He is all tied up at the moment with election stuff. Here’s hoping!
By the way, I sent Reiner a greeting card yesterday, sharing some of our plentiful, spare “Down-under” sunshine with him. I hope it brightens his day if he gets to open it.