5 EXPERTS ON THE LIKELY FINANCIAL FUTURE. The news is not good. No solution. But there are actions to take.
A month ago, I watched a video, and went further than ever before into an area I’ve avoided all my life: THE ECONOMY, notably the current financial situation in the West, and most specifically the most likely financial scenario RIGHT NOW in the US and Canada.
I paid attention about 3 years ago, and then again about 2 years ago. I learned about the Federal Reserve (not federal and not a reserve) from G. Edward Griffin. I listened to Catherine Austin Fitts about, I believe, 11 trillion missing US dollars. I also listened to a number of people predicting imminent financial meltdown. Any day now!!
I took some action.
No disaster happened.
A month I got a wake-up call to do more. It has not been easy. It’s not comfortable.
Here are key videos. My month’s learning all put together.
One. Interview with Andrew Sleigh on the very likely imminent extreme financial meltdown, and what we can best do to protect ourselves. General picture: there will be a massive economic collapse, and with it the dollar - like all fiat currencies before it - will be dead. Further, property values will plummet, basically to zero. The most likely protection: metals, notably silver coins:
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5Qa01vhGWgGr/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5chxml-urgent.-time-sensitive.-death-of-the-dollar.-silver-gold-property-coin-food.html
Two. The first interview I saw with Andrew - main interviewers, Rima Laibow and Connie Shields. This interview was the impetus for my interviewing him:
Three. A very recent interview with Andrew (Sept 3, 2024). (I don’t know if this link will stay for more than a few days, as the interview is currently on the home page of Ning:
Four. An interview with Peak Prosperity expert, Chris Martenson, on America's economic decline and very likely major fall. Interviewer: Peter Boghossian.
link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpeA0cpYOZI&t=2086s
If you appreciate this, here is Chris Martenson’s site: https://peakprosperity.com/
Five. My favorite stock market expert, Greg Mannarino, with his video report from the morning of Sept 4, 2024 - the picture is very much in line with what the others are saying. He looks close-up at what is happening.
link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKkM1WVpOlA
Six. DEBORAH TAVARES on a leaked document from NASA about the end of humankind. This is highly relevant as it is about why the current financial situation is happening:
You can find the same document here:
Finally, seven. MARIA ZEEE with Weapons Expert MARK STEELE exposing the Smart City Kill Box. More on our overall situation:
The big take-away:
Yes, do what you can to protect yourself and those close to you.
Realize it’s all of us or the end of humanity. Our individual safety is not enough.
There is no long-term safety unless the earth is made safe from the Predators.
In other words, they need to be removed permanently and utterly.
The key take-aways for individual protection:
Stock up on silver coins, in your local currency - American eagle if you are in the States, Canadian maple leaf if you are in Canada, etc. They are best for trading for goods like food and gas. Cutting a chunk off a silver bar is inconvenient. Gold is great - nice and light - but not for everyday stuff. Stock up on enough silver coins to last you for everyday needs for at least 2 years.
Store enough food also for at least 2 years. Store enough for family and friends and people who happen to come into your life.
As fiat money becomes worthless, people will not have enough money for mortgages, let alone to buy homes, so homes will come to have no financial value. So sell property (and convert the proceeds into metals) except if it makes sense to own the home you live in.
Finally, know who your friends are, and lock your doors when the banks crash. Stay as safe as possible, because you have taken every action possible to protect yourself.
And then, who knows. A small part of me says: maybe silver and gold will somehow not be useful. The Controllers, according to everyone I listen to, want to seize everything and control everything. It’s not “just” our fiat currency (by making it worthless), not “just” our property (by making it worthless and also by putting such taxes on it that most people will be forced to sell, providing they can find a buyer), and also even not “just” our metals.
All the same: do what you can. We succeed by taking one step after the other, every step we can take, each step bringing us to further steps.
Finally, after the interview with Andrew, I remembered that Rima mentioned that her group got a tiny commission if any sales came through the interview. So I spoke with Andrew about this, and it’s been arranged that I will get the same tiny commission if any sales come through this interview. So yes, if you should make any purchases from Andrew in response to the interview, please do mention my name.
Posted Sept 4, 2024
Thank you for all of your reporting. Never believe anything the government tells us. When they shove stuff down your throats you know it is not good for you.,